

Friday, February 28, 2014

March Pin-spired

It's time for another edition of Pin-spired. I'm linking up with Shay, Mel and Shaeffer for this month's edition of outfit inspirations. Make sure you check out their blogs and the other bloggers participating.

In addition to Pin-spired I also challenged myself to not buy any new clothes this month and instead wear what I already own and try and create new outfits. At the beginning I was expecting to create new combinations, but with Valentine's Day on the 14, I found myself wearing lots of red and pink and re-wearing my heart Hello t-shirt several times. I wasn't as adventurous as I had planned, but I'm proud that I stuck with my challenge. I did find myself planning a wish list of spring items that would have compliment some of my choices. And now with March around the corner I'm seeing green. At the end of the post is a collage of my outfits. I found that I'm loving a few trends, layering and cuffed jeans.

Outfit #1 - Burgundy pants, long, flowy shirt and boots

Inspiration Photos

My Version:
Boots - Macys, old
Pants - LOFT, last season
Shirt - GAP, old
Cardigan - F21, old
Necklace - Stella &Dot, new
Jacket - ON, last season

Outfit #2 - Leggings, Chambray Shirt, Cardigan
                  Inspiration Photo

                      My Version:
             Leggings - Target, old
            Boots - Nordstrom, old
            Cardigan - Limited Old
            Shirt - BR, last season
           Necklace - S&D, new

Outfit #3 - Brown, Black and Grey

   Inspiration Photo - From one of our fabulous hosts

My Version
Leggings - Target, old
Boots, Macys. old
Grey T-Shirt - Target, old
Cardigan - Target, last season
Necklace - S&D, new

This was one of my favorite outfits of the month. I definitely plan on repeating this one. 

Here's my monthly collage of outfits. I spent a few days in sweats or athletic wear, and I'm not one of those people who look cute in work out clothes, so no photos from those days. And at the bottom is a collage of my baby girl's Valentine's Day outfits. 

Check out my other outfit inspiration from my Fashionista Pinterest Board. See my other Pin-spired posts here - February, September, November, July, June, May, April, March.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Whatever Wednesday

We been keeping busy here with friend playdates and trips to the Chick-fil-A. Charlotte is growing up before my eyes and developing a sassy attitude to go with it. I adore her and enjoy spending my days and nights chasing, dancing and reading to her. 

We've been listening to a Pandora station called Veggie Tales and all of my favorite Disney songs are in rotation. I'll admit I really dig the Frozen songs and I'm excited for the Blue Ray that comes out next month. I'm planning on buying it. Everyone who's seen it raves about it. I may also have an interest in the movie since Kristen Bell is the voice of Anna. I'm working my way through the Veronica Mars series, for the second time, and I'm reminded why I heart her. The other DVD I'm excited for is Catching Fire. Is anyone else anxious about how they are dealing with Philip Seymour Hoffman's character for the final two movies? 

I've been working on new colors and headbands for my Etsy store. I would love to see if any of the local boutiques or resale shops would let me sell my items in their store, but I have to muster up the courage to ask. The worse thing that can happen is they say no, right? Hopefully I'll have a few St. Patrick's Day bows/headbands in the store this weekend along with a code. 

I'm planning on hosting a Matilda Jane Trunk Show in April. Their clothes are so adorable. If you are interested in more information let me know. 

Sonic finally opened in SD! I met a friend, who's from MO, went to MIZZOU and worked at the bookstore with me, for Happy Hour on Tuesday. It was a mad house. I do appreciate they have outdoor seating and FREE refills on drinks when you dine-in. It's not as close as Chick-Fil-A, but it's on a route we take very often. I anticipate lots of trips for HH drinks. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

18 Months

18 Months

Height: 31 inches; 25th percentile
Weight: 20 lbs. 3oz.; 5th percentile
Head Size: 18.27 inches; 51st percentile
Teeth: 10 (4 on top, 6 on bottom)
Foods: Cheese, goldfish, bananas, waffles
Words: doggie, yummy, It's cold, brrr, greta, macy, buddy, whose this, choo-choo, you me, Elmo, wove you
Mommy's Milestones: You love to climb, play Ring Around the Rosie and throw rocks. I am continually amazed by how much you pick up and imitate others.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Day Weekend

I have found most people either love or loathe Valentine's Day. I've always enjoyed it. I love any excuse to dress up and go out to dinner. However, we usually eat in on the holiday. I don't care to wait a ridiculous amount of time to eat over priced food. I'm not a fancy-smancy food person, and I'd rather celebrate V-Day out on another day. Maybe I'm old or I've been married too long or both. 
I made David an "I love you because..." frame to help me encourage him daily. Plus, it speaks to one of his love languages. 

I had planned to make heart shaped pancakes and strawberry smoothies for breakfast, but instead I had a surprise breakfast with one of my good friends from high school who was in the area for a wedding. It was so much fun catching up with her. You can't even tell from the picture that she is in her third trimester with her third child. She's too cute. 

David arrived home early on V-Day and we spent the afternoon relaxing then cooking dinner which consisted of mac-n-cheese bread and chocolate covered strawberries. I found the recipes on Pinterest, of course and it was ok. We added bacon to give it a crunch. 


On Saturday we went to not one but two birthday parties and Charlotte was a champ. She didn't take a nap, but was still in good humor when we stopped by the mall after the parties. She seemed to especially like the fact that she wasn't wearing pants. She had peed through hers and mommy forgot to bring an extra pair. FAIL. 

On Sunday we went to church then had some friends over for dinner. We had such a good time hanging out with them and getting to see potty training in action. 

It wouldn't be a holiday without a photo shoot. Here are a couple pictures from our staged photos. For those interested, the letters are cut out of poster board and taped to the wall. I plan to have them laminated in order to continue using them year after year. 

Painted piggies
Matching Shirts



Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Whatever Wednesday

Since we no longer have cable and our antenna doesn't reach the NBC tower in SD I do not get to take part in watching the Olympics this year. I've tried to stay on top of the events and news online, but it's not the same as watching an edited version on NBC. I have been able to catch replays of events, but sifting through 5 hours of one sport isn't as much fun as it sounds. I never knew how much I would enjoy the edited primetime spotlight on the Olympics and the commentary.

I know there have been several upsets to the American athletes, but there have also been some surprising newcomers who are the future of the games. Hopefully I'll be able to catch a few of the events in the next few days.

I checked out 3 books from the library over the past week. Two I have checked out before, but didn't finish. Here's hoping the third time is a charm. The one I'm most excited about is Revenge Wears Prada. The other book I'm excited to read, which won't be out until November is Leaving Time by Jodi Piccoult.

I have so many unfinished craft projects around the house. I've told myself several times that I'm not "allowed" to start anything new until at least one of my other projects is complete. Sometimes this works other times it doesn't. Currently my totally is 6 unfinished projects. We are having a "complete your project" party this week with fellow MOPS moms so hopefully I'll get something done.

And last but not least I'm thinking about hosting a Matilda Jane Trunk Show later this spring. More details to come.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Whatever Wednesday

I recently got a haircut and asked my stylist for a recommendation on hair products. I don't use many products because I'm lazy, but I've noticed that since Charlotte was born my hair hasn't been the same. It was time that I started taking better care of my hair. She recommended it's a 10 volumizing blow dryer spray. I have to admit I was skeptical at first, but I'm in love with it. It gives my hair volume and helps hold style.

I learned today that one of my beloved shows, Psych, was axed, but they will air the remaining episodes. I don't think the show will be wrapped up by the last episode. The past few seasons IMO haven't been as good, but I've continued to watch. C'est la vie. 

The Veronica Mars movie comes out next month. I am so excited. I was late to the party and watched the series when it was off the air. I'm re-watching the series now and still love it. It's weird seeing the actors 10 years later and remembering what they've been in since the show aired. Check out the trailer for the movie.

I "finished" my blog makeoever last night and will post the tutorials I used on here soon. I still have a few minor tweaks to make, but overall I am happy with the results.

Monday, February 03, 2014

February Pin-spired

It's time for another edition of Pinspired. I'm linking up with ShayMel and Shaeffer for this month's edition of outfit inspirations. Make sure you check out their blogs and the other bloggers participating. Thanks ladies for hosting this linky party for the past year.

Outfit #1 - Sweaters, Boots and Vest

Inspiration Photo

Sweater - Gap, old
Vest - Old Navy, last season
Pants - LOFT, last season
Necklace - S&D, new

Outfit #2 Blazer, Boots

I've been in love with wearing my navy blazer lately, but it feels a little formal for my everyday activities.

Inspiration photo
Blazer - GAP, old
Necklace - S&D
                                            Sweater - Banana Republic, old
                                            Jeans - Articles of Society, last fall

Outfit #3 - Mint and Navy

I love this color combo and have worn these colors before, but I'm always looking for new ways to wear them.

Inspiration Photo

   Shirt - Limited, old
   Pants - Forever 21, old
   Necklace - Viva La Jewels, old
                                                               Watch - a-thread, old                                

See how I styled this outfit before. 

Outfit #4 - Plum/Radiant Orchid and Coral

This is another combo that I've used before, but enjoy finding new ways to re-create outfits.

Inspiration Photo

Shirt - J-Crew, last season
Pants - Loft, old
Boots - Old Navy, old
Necklace - S&D, new
Scarf - Old Navy, last season

See how I styled this outfit before. 

Check out my other outfit inspiration from my Fashionista Pinterest Board. See my other Pin-spired posts here - September, NovemberJulyJuneMayAprilMarch.

Trip to the cold Midwest

Since we didn't go home for Christmas, C and I made plans for a trip over MLK Day. Missouri has experienced one of the coldest winters in recent history this year. As excited as I was for the trip, I was dreading the weather. The weather was pretty mild during our trip, which I was thankful for, and we even went to the park one day.

Before arriving I told my parents that I wanted to stop by Qdoba on the way home. Qdoba is one of my favorite fast food places. Yummy! Since I didn't have much time in STL I met up with one of my oldest friends for dinner at the Q. She definitely wanted to see me to trek over to my side of St. Chuck.

If I haven't mentioned it before, C loves animals, especially dogs. She had the best time with all the dogs on our trip. My parents have two dogs, a cat and a bunny. She loved all of them.

Pop, Macy and C. 
Mimi, C and Snickerdoodle. C feed the bunny every night.

Charlotte spent two days playing with her cousin. They had so much fun. We also spent the evening with my brother and his family.

Playing with her cousin.

After our visit to STL we traveled West to Columbia where we spent a few days with my sister's family and more cousins. We spent time playing with bikes, jumping in the bounce house, watching movies and playing with the Harper's kitchen. 

First experience with Shakespeares' pizza dough.  
Future MU grads and roommates. 
Playing at the park.

Mimi, Me and C.
My sis and Henry. 
Trying out Harper's tricycle. 
After a few days in CoMo we header further West to KC to visit g-ma and g-pa. We spent time with friends, great grandparents and another dog.

Reading with g-ma.
A box, show, milk and baby make for a great afternoon. 

Hanging out with college friends and their kids. 
Visiting with one of my favorite MU people. It was so great to see her. 
on our way home.
Thanks MO for hosting us. We plan to come back soon. 
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