

Monday, August 16, 2010

My 30x30 list

Yesterday, I celebrated my 29 birthday! I have officially entered my last year in my 20s. It's bittersweet. I'm not scared or nervous about turning 30, but there are so many things I want to do before August 15, 2011. Many people have done a 30x30 list and I want to start one myself. I don't have all 30 things spelled out yet and I'm open to recommendations. So here it goes in no particular order.

1. Complete a tri-athalon
2. Go on a hot air ballon ride
3. Learn to ride a motorcycle
4. Go hunting
5. Take a gun safety class
6. Go skydiving
7. Finish reading the Bible all the way through
8. Start and maintain an Etsy store
9. Go on a girls vacation
10. Take a cruise
11. Make new friends (I'm in a new city)
12. Join a cause
13. Organize all my online music, movies, videos, and photos
14. Develop and display architecture photos
15. De-clutter our apartment

The rest is yet to come.


  1. I'm trying to finish writing my 30-before-30 list...but I have to remember I don't have enough money to do all the things I want to do :) I've already decided I'm doing a 40-before-40 list so I'll have a whole decide to check things off the list!

  2. Me too. I'm trying to think of inexpensive/free things to do that are realistic. What's on your list?

  3. Well, I haven't finished it yet...but skydiving is definitely on it :)

  4. complete a tri! laura, it was the funnest, most satisfying race i have completed to date. pic one and lets do it together!

  5. Anne - I would totally do a tri with you. I'm thinking about registering for the Chicago one next August.


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