

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Holiday Gift Giving Ideas

Friends and Family -

If you are looking for an opportunity to donate items or goods this holiday, consider purchasing a Community Cash card for the Tossed and Found sale sponsored by the Junior League of Washington this coming March. Tossed & Found is the League's annual spring fundraiser to raise money to support our Community Placements including: Bright Beginnings , Langley Residential Support Services, N St. Village, Horton's Kids, and College Bound. Community Cards can be purchase for $40 by clicking on the following link, If you do decide to donate please let me know. These cards will given to needy families in the DC metro area to purchase goods at the sale. To learn more about Tossed & Found visit our Web site.

Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


David and I are going to Florida this weekend to visit our college friends Ashley, Nathan, and Wesley. We haven't been to FL in over two years since they moved from FL to STL and back to FL. Things I'm looking forward to: Settlers, New Moon, swimming (they have a pool and hot tub), playing with Wesley, New Moon, hanging out, Algusots, and trying to make panang chicken. We always have so much fun when we're all together.

Did I mention that I'm excited to see New Moon? New Moon was by far my favortie in the series. I even considered making a Team Jacob shirt for the viewing but decided I didn't want to embarrass myself in front on new people.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I went out to dinner recently with a friend. She has been having a rough time this year due to circumstances she's faced. We've talked briefly about God, but she's ok with where she is in life and isn't interested in Him. However, when we were talking about what she was going through she asked me something so unlike her. She asked me to pray for her about the situation. I was caught so off guard. While we had been talking, I thought about asking her if I could pray for her, but felt really awkward knowing her thoughts on the subject. My take away from the whole thing was to listen to God and his prompting even if it makes me uncomfortable. I'm hoping this will open the door for us to talk more about faith.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bathroom Etiquette

What is proper bathroom etiquette? Washing your hands, flushing the toilet.... You would think most people learn this during potty training, however I've learned that more and more women forget even the most basic bathroom rules.

At my office you can always count on one stall displaying the fruits of someone else's labor. I realize that we have automatic toilets and one normally could count on those to flush at the precise moment we leave the stall, but this is not always the case. I don't know about you, but I make sure the toilet has flushed before exting the stall.

I've been traveling a lot over the past few weeks and noticed this is a disturbing trend amongst women. It doesn't matter what kind of establishment I've been to, it's always the same story.

You'd also be surprised at how many people don't wash their hands. With the spreading of H1N1, people are actually using soap when washing their hands. I'll admit, before the outbreak I rarely used soap when washing unless they were grimmy. Now I glady reach for the soap or hand sanitizer.

What's your worst bathroom encounter?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Common Household Items

I've heard from many people that vinegar and baking soda are fantastic items to use for cleaning. I've never used them for cleaning, but countless people say they really work. Why then do we spend so much money on common household brands? My only response is for the convenience. Check out this site for recipes

I've also used vinegar to clean my hair. I know it sounds gross, but it really helps. I know what you are thinking, what about the smell. What I've found is after two shampoos the smell dissipates. I usually wet my hair then, pour on the vinegar and finish with shampoo and conditioner. Over the summer I noticed build up on my scalp. I attribute this to the terrible water pressure and hard or soft water. I looked on the internet for solutions to getting rid of the build up and found that baking soda was proven to help. I decided to try it. I was amazed that it actually worked. My scalp felt so much better, my hair felt stripped, but clean. Last night I decided it was time for another deep cleaning. All you need to do is add a dime sized amount of baking soda to your shampoo. Lather up and massage the scalp. Rinse and follow up with conditioner.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Coupon Whore

Those of you who know me, know I love a great deal. I usually only buy clothes/shoes/accessories that are on sale. I love saving money.

When I first got married, my mother in law used to send me coupons in the mail. Sometimes I used them, sometimes I wouldn't. Last weekend when I was back in KC I went through the paper and scored useable coupons. This past weekend I redeemed about half of them and saved about $6. I also downloaded several Michaels coupons and saved about $20 of my craft purchases.

I've gotten into the habit of looking online for coupons before I shop. I don't generally look for grocery coupons, but coupons to other places (clothing stores, shoe stores, and craft stores). One of the sites I regularly check is You should check it out.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fall TV Schedule

The WB and FOX have both released several of their new fall shows. I was really excited for the prospect of new fall shows - GLEE, SYTYCD, and Melrose Place. The only one I've gotten to watch is GLEE and I'm undecided. I totally love Mr. Schuester and the sexual tension between him and Ms. Pillsbury, but I'm not sold on the rest of the cast. I'll start watching SYTYCD once they start competing. Those are my favorite episodes.

I haven't seen Melrose Place yet. I missed the first episode and started to DVR it this week. Our HD WB channel doesn't always work, so I missed the season premiere of Gossip Girl and 90210. I'll be catching them on the web this weekend.

The most anticipated shows for me are the Amazing Race, Brothers and Sisters, and Desperate Housewives. I'm sure there are other shows too. I've started watching Mad Men, but I'm not hooked. The star John Hamm graduated from MIZZOU so I have to give it a shot.

What are you looking forward to this fall?

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Liz's Baby Shower

The first couple in our small group is expecting their first child this October. The ladies along with Liz's sister and mom threw her a shower this past weekend. We had brunch food, games, and fellowship. I was responsible for the Strawberry/Spinach Salad with home made Popy Seed dressing, recipe below compliments of Megan.

Poppy Seed Dressing and Spinach Salad

1 pound fresh spinach, torn into bite sized pieces (I used baby spinach, it tastes better to me and it doesn't need to be torn up)
1 pint fresh strawberries or other seasonal fruit
1/2 cu each - walnuts and blue cheese or gorgonzola
Toss together and add poppy seed dressing just before serving


1 1/2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon mustard (like dijon)
2 teaspoons salt
3/4 cup red wine vinegar
1/2 onion - finely chopped
2 cups salad oil ( I use canola)
2 tablespoons poppy seeds

Mix together sugar, mustard, salt and vinegar and onion in blender. Process until onion is super small (almost liquified) With blender running, slowly add oil and continue blending until thinck. Add poppy seeds and whirl a few seconds.

Makes 3 cups.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Nights

I absolutely love lazy Friday nights. Don't get me wrong I also love dinner, movies, and hanging out with friends. Tonight I'm husbandless again as the the man is back in KC on work business. What does a girl do who's all alone?

I stopped by the mall after work, it's a daily occurrence as I walk through it every day, and visited Forever 21. I don't normally shop here, at least any more, but today I wanted to check it out. I found what I consider to be a cute dress and wrap for under $25. You really can't beat that. Yes, I know that after a year or less it will fall a part. Next I made my way over to DSW, another shop on my way home. Because I'm home alone, I took my time shopping and leisurely strolled through the stores. After returning home from grabbing dinner, I began working on a scrapbook for my friends baby shower on Sunday. I finished everything, but the binding. David gave me a Bind It All for my birthday and this will be my first project using it. The other projects I'm working on this weekend include, thank you cards for the same party, my beach book, and our trip to Paris. My craft supplies have taken over the "great" room.

Tomorrow I'm heading to a resale shop and working on my work client's Web site. The hurricane is making it's way up the coast this weekend. It's a good weekend to have indoor projects. I will miss lounging by the pool.

Now it's time for Psych.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Update on 28 things (or 23 things)

For my birthday I decided I wanted to do 28 things in celebration of my age. I didn't really have a plan, but I knew several things I wanted to do and I figured it would be easy to come up with the rest. I decided to begin on Friday night and end on Monday. This was Sunday morning when I knew I missed my target. Here is my photo montage of my adventure.

1. Dinner and a movie Friday night with my dear friend

2. Presents

3. Trip to the National Zoo. The STL Zoo is way better. If you are in the DC area skip the zoo. Notice the shoes. They were a present.

4. 7-11 It was sticking hot on Saturday. We did what anyone one else would do, got drinks and snacks.

5. Hello Cupcake. This place was out of business. I don't know why their Web site is still up and running.

6. Lunch at Qdoba. I know, I know most people don't like Qdoba, but when you have a FREE entree because it's your b-day you go. The best part was, David's nachos were free with my points!

7. Law Enforcement Memorial and no I'm not pregnant, it was a bad pose.

8. Newseum (I highly recommend it)
Portion of the Berlin Wall

Antenna from World Trade Center

View of the Capitol

Missouri daily newspaper

9. Potbelly smoothie

10. Albert Einstein statue

11. FDR Memorial

12. Wine

13. Dinner

14. Pomegranate Martini

15. Redbox movie

16. Bead show with Megan

17. Bead purchases

18. Cakelove

19. Dinner with friends to celebrate my birthday and Tori's

20. Finding last minute Parachute/Script tickets

21. Parachute/Script Concert The fans ranged from 15 year old girls to cougars.

22. Picture with lead singer of Parachute and Katie.

23. Picture with the lead singer of the Script and Katie.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Time Travelers Wife

I love, love, love this book! If you haven't read it you need to. My friend Jackie introduced me to the book three years ago and it's been on my must read list ever since. I highly recommend you catch the movie. It's the next Notebook. Go Rachel!

I can't wait to see the movie!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Over the weekend, my friend Tori came over and helped me work on my swimming strokes. She taught swim lessons growing up and played water polo in hs. I have been desperate for someone to teach me how to swim all summer. The lanes in my pool and the residents who swim them really intimidate me. Before I braved the lanes I wanted to work on my skills.

I learned that my skills aren't terrible and my technique is fairly good. My biggest problem is breathing. I found that I raise my head out of the water instead of turning to one side. I'm still working on perfecting this. I'm practicing using the alligator method. In addition to the freestyle, I learned the breaststroke. I don't find it relaxing at all.

Finally today I ventured down to the pool after work to "swim" laps. Of course there was already two people swimming in the lanes and one person swimming to the side of the lanes. That's the spot I wanted. After a few minutes I put on my brave suit and jumped in the pool. Our pool is 25m long. After one lap I was exhausted. I made myself swim 5 more laps before exciting the pool. It was the hardest workout I've had in a long time. My plan is to swim at least three times a week and increase my distance to 12 laps before the pool closes in mid September.

I've decided I can't live without a pool!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Great Weekend

I had a fabulous weekend and most of it involved the beautiful weather we experienced. Friday night despite threats of rain, we ventured out to an outdoor movie, Back to the Future. The music, games, and movies took me back in time. We meet up with Megan and Jeremy and shared cookies, drinks, and converstation. Megan and I both brought our knitting projects. She's a talented knitter working on a sweater and myself a scarf. I know it's not much, but its been years since I've picked up my knitting needles, but Megan is showing me how to make booties.

Saturday I headed to the pool with no rain in site. Our incredible weather inspired us to grill out for dinner. In the 3 years, we've lived here, we never used the outdoor grills. It's too much work for 2 people. We called up our friends Matt and Sue and convinced them to join us. We got a late start and finished eating in the dark. While the kaboobs were still cooking Sue and I ran over to Teaters and picked up stuff to make smores. Yummy. Here's my pictures as I was testing out the manual settings of our camera.

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