

Friday, November 09, 2007


This past week I noticed how much of my life revolves around food. David and I embarked on a 11 day detox and I feel as if life has stood still these past few days.

After much discussion on how miserable it would be we decided to watch the MIZZOU game at the local bar last weekend and watched others eats the local fare we weren't privy too. Our small group meets on Mondays night for dinner and we declined due to the food choice, it wasn't on the list. A friends parents are in town and invited us to dinner, but regretfully we didn't go. Food is the main reason for many social outings, and I felt restricted this week and chained to my living room because I was eating "healthy". No really I was.

It just made me realize how much different my life could be if I cut out all the bad food I eat. I really would like to eat healthier, but not if I feel restricted. I also realized how much I snack everyday and if I could cut that out, how much better I would feel. I want to know if the eating 6 meals a day is really better than eating 3 meals. (I tend eat lunch then snack the rest of the day) I think if my snacks were healthier smaller meals, it would help me to cut back on the snacking at night.

Back to the point. Because eating is a huge portion of my life, I thought how lonely it would be to only eat "organic" all the time. I would never go out or have friends. I think about all the great restaurants I would never eat at, or all my favorites I would have to abandon. The most important thing I will take from this experience is to eat a healthy meal if I know I indulge later, and if I want dessert maybe I don't eat an appetizer of the bread basket.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Tips for running/training for a marathon

My marathon training reminded me when I put my mind to something I can do it! Here are my Top 10 Tips I learned while training.

1. Do not schedule anything for the day after a marathon. However, as one marathoner said the day after, "I'm walking to work the kinks out". Walking on a treadmill will help to relieve muscle tension, even though it hurts.

2. Buy a Fuel Belt. I learned this the hard way, by exhausting myself and getting sick after a long run without drinking anything.
Stay hydrated, they say that for a reason.

3. You will lose at least one toenail.

4. Have two pairs of running shoes that you switch between.

5. Eat "gu" every four miles. There are good flavors out there. I prefer the PowerBar gel brand.

6. If you buy running shorts/skirts buy ones with shorts underneath instead of the underwear. They are much more comfortable. I prefer the skirts.

7. Make sure you use the restroom before your long runs, or make sure there is a restroom on your route. Nature will call.

8. Make sure you have an upbeat playlist to run to.

9. Have a running partner is a great asset, but running is a solo sport so training on your own is doable.

10. The satisfaction of completing the race is one of great accomplishment. One 1% of people have completed a marathon. Count yourself as one of the few.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Double Coupons

If you love coupons that grant you a special deal, then this ones for you.

Our daily newspaper, the Express will feature the local Panera's new seasons dishes. Along with the feature there's a coupon for $2 off a sandwhich, salad, or pizza. For the past two months I have been waiting for this coupon. Periodically scanning the paper in hopes of finding gold. Thinking I would have to wait a few more months before the next came out, I read books and not the paper in the morning, I picked up a paper and my dream had come true. Page 8, left hand column my beloved coupon. This must be what people who experienced the Gold Rush felt like. As I tried to decide between the Pesto Chicken Melt of the Chicken Parmesan, it struck me that I need to find another paper and I wouldn't have to decide, but could enjoy both. Now at this time in the morning, it can be hard to find one of these said papers, especially when they have coupons in them. However, I was lucky enough to snag one from the paper vendor who waits for me at the top of the escalator. Inside I am beaming. I can't believe my luck.

Lunch comes and I venture out to the local Panera. Inside my mind is thinking must find more papers. I see one box with the Express in it, and think I need to grab more of those on my way back. Luckily I snag a few more on my way back and I am set for the next month.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Meeting of Women

I've been waiting for months for the first official meeting of my women's club. It finally arrives and I am scared out of my mind. I feel like the new girl all over again. Having attended an informational meeting earlier this spring, I expected to be judged as only girls can do all over again, while thinking will I really fit into this group? Think rush. I have to admit I've never been through rush but I imagine it to be similiar.

Prior to this meeting, my leader contacts her groupies and arranges a pre-meeting. I think to myself at least I'll have someone to sit with this morning. I arrive at our meeting place 15 minutes early, my nerves get the best of me, and walk around. I don't want to seem too anxious. When I finally saunter over to my group I am surprised at how normal everyone seems. There's a runner, she lives up the street from me, the professional, and the cover girl. I continue to steal glances at the cover girl all morning in an attempt to figure out who she resembles. It finally hits me around 10:00 a.m. that she's Audrian from the hills. Now I feel intimidated. Did I mention she went to Texas?

After said meeting we head over for bonding time at the local tavern. I somehow loose my group and head for the door, but I am rescued by a fellow co-worker who decides to adopt me for a day. So my new "group" is very friendly and I thoroughly enjoy hanging out with them. Too bad they may get swallowed up in the sea of hundreds never to be seen again. Then it dawns on me, that's the purpose of those business cards. I never have one when I need it. One investment not worth the price.
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