

Friday, December 30, 2005

Good ole Missouri

Since I will be returning to the birth of my state hear in 2 weeks, I have complied a list of things I would like to do in the 4 days that I will be there.

1. See family and friends!!!
2. Go to Sonic and Jack in the Box.
3. Sell stuff at Platos Closet.
4. Play with my cat.
5. Get my teeth cleaned.
6. Buy massive amounts of Jays Krunchers.
7. Have brunch.
8. GEt my pants from my mom.
9. Maybe make a bedspread, but not very likely.
10. Relax, not likely either.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

weird things

my weird habits

1. When getting gifts I like to open up all the ones that I picked out first, before opening the ones that are given to me in surprise.

2. I prefer to wear the same clothes that I wear during the day to bed and even through the next day if possible.

3. I cannot finish a can of soda, especially after it gets hot.

4. If I am watching tv or a movie I have to be doing something else, knitting, reading, scrapbooking, to feel productive.

5. When sitting in chairs, I have to have my feet on the chair too.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Favorite Things

What was your favorite Christmas Present?

I have a few. A US weekly Subscription, a new TV, and an American Girl Doll.
Yes, I know that I am 24, and that I don't play with dolls anymore, but I can still collect them especially since she looks like me!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

another lonely day

i feel as if everyone in the city has taken a break and is on slow mode. no one, was out this morning. the trains, streets, and my office are empty. it is as if hibernation is occurring. i was informed that this was a likely reaction to the holiday time, but i never imagined it this quiet. i guess if i had vacation days, i would take off too.

Christmas was good and relaxing. We slept in made breakfast and opened presents! then we lounged around most of the day watching our new big screen tv! That was a big Christmas present for us. Later we finished out the evening by going to see KONG! It was a good movie. I can't remember to much of the first one, so I can't compare it, but I do know that Kong looks more realitic in this one than the first.
yestarday was spent lounging and making some returns.

We went to a Christmas Eve Eve service at our church on Friday night and I was impacted by the way the pastor spoke about Jesus. (I maybe be mixing some of this up with a book I just finished as well.) He spoke about him in such a real way that made me realize how human he was. Another point that was made was that he didn't hang on the cross one minute longer for me than for someone else. We, I, often catergorize sins as harmless, bad, and really bad, but it doesn't matter they are all the same in God's eyes. It makes me think that those harmless sins are really ugly, because often those are the ones we comitt knowingly. So all in all, it gave me a better perspective on the need for forgivness and grace. Also, it was entertaining the way he welcomed us, by saying Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays or SEason's GReetings. I think Merry Christmas is the politically correct way to go.
My mom sent us a one year Bible, which we already have, for Christmas and I am so excited to get into. It is my goal to complete it next year, but at the same time I really want to enjoy it. REading the Bible all the way through was a life goal for me, so I will be very excited to finish it at some point.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

So I am hear at work again, what a surprise and I am taking a much needed break. The past two days have been crazy!!!! I worked non-stop the past two days and I thought my head was going to explode. So other than that I haven't been up to too much. I did catch Memoirs of a Giesha over the weekend. Good movie and great book! We had our small group Christmas party on Sun, and that was fun. I was introduced to these delicious sweet butter rum drinks. Mmmm. As for this weekend it looks like i'll be spending it here with David, that's not a big surprise, but we had talked about going to a nearby city for a few days. I am thinking that we might go see Rumor Has It or Kong this weekend. I have almost completed my 50 books for this year. I am struggling through the last two. Well not struggling, but I haven't been as motivated to read lately. However, the library told me that Memoirs (??? something like that was come in for me, it suppossedly about the Kennedy's that died not to long ago) I think it mirrors it. Anyhow, I will let you know how it is along with posting my top books for 05. Oh, aren't you excited!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


so I got my prizes from the contest and boy are they good! i got cranium which i was kind of wanting, some electronic talking clue game, tri-bond, not to sure about that one, catch phrase, so i already have that but not in elcetronic form, life cd rom, travel yahtzee, and uno h2o. now i just have to wait and see if i win the big prize. :)

Christmas Party

So my work Christmas party was last night, and I am surprised at how many people showed up on time today for work, especially after the after party. I have feeling that most people will be taking the day off due to the heavy partying that went on last night. Our party was from 4-8 and we had appetizers, dinner, an open bar, and entertainment. The entertainment definitely got better as the night wore on. I thought people would be crazy, but there wasn't too much that went on at the hotel. I think there was good times at the after party, that I missed. They even hired a photographer who took your picture and put it on different backgrounds. It was the best Christmas part ever.

I didn't win any of the big prizes, but my team (we had a competition of submtting documents to our intranet) won giftbaskets filled with games, so that was exciting. Plus with this competition you earened points worth redeeming to various places and I acquired $175 worth of GC, plus a few more for starbucks for something else. The reason I say this is because I recently found out that we are taxed on this money, so it's not really worth it. I am waiting to hear if I was in the drawing for the most submission (23 on the year). I think it's for one of the IPODS.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

good times

so my weekend was good. I went to a hockey game with my co-workers on Fri night. It was my first professional game it surprisingly it was fun. My favorite part was when the players got into a fight. I mean isn't that what hockey is about. Speaking of hockey my brother is a big hockey fan and since the blues practice really close to us he goes to some of their practices with the kids of the girl he is dating. I guess one of the new guys really likes kids and gave Kaylin a hockey puck and signed it after one of the practices one time. So, she went home and made him a snowflake, she's 3 or 4, and gave it to him the next time she saw him and apparently he took it home and hung it up.

Narnia was good. I really enjoyed seeing the symbolism to the Christian life. CS Lewis did a good job with the writing and I don't feel that much was lost in the transition to movie. The 3-5 grades at my school are going to go see it this week. We never went to see movies during school.

My book club was good. About 6 people showed up so I was pleased. We talked about the set up and what book we would start with, and the winner is......Reading Lolita in Tehran. I was going to read it anyway so I am excited. Afterwards we sat around and talked. I showed them all my wedding pictures.

Tonight is my work Christmas Party and there should be some interesting stories to tell. I am hoping to win a prize. We even get to leave work an hour early to attended. So, I guess that means that I should be getting to work.

Friday, December 09, 2005


yestarday everyone was saying how we would love a snow day and if it just so happened to snow enough, we indeed might get our wish. i went farther to say that i would like a wintry mix, snow and a little ice that would accompany the snow thus making it harder to clear the roads. i prayed for the govt to be closed, i did not want to work today. My prayer was answered, about the snow and ice, and here is where God's sense of humor comes in, it's really warm outside thus melting the snow and providing me with the opportunity to come into work. How lucky can a girl get to have her prayer answered and get to work. I also stepped in a large puddle and now my foot is soaking wet.

anyway, i am going to my first real hockey game tonight with some work friends. I am really excited since I have never been to one before. Tomorrow is Narnia and Sun is book club. My weekends are booked for the next three weeks.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


well it's that time of year again when we make resolutions of things we would like to do in the coming year that we failed to do this year. i have to say for myself though, that i have accomplished, if not exceeded some of my resolutions and for that i would like to pat myself on the back. So here's what I have come up with so far for next year.

Read 52 books, it's doable as i have read almost that many in half the time.
Run a half marathon
donate my hair to locks of love
read the bible the whole way through
finish the scrapbooks that I have started and become more organized with my crafts, plus maybe start a new hobby
become a member of the junior league
go to NYC, it's only a few hours away
my book club

now i know that these seem simple, but i think that they are attainable. sometimes i put to much pressure on myself to accomplish things, that when i don't i get down on myself

so since it's Christmas time as well, i decided to post somethings that i hope i get. I mean i have been blessed to have gotten married and to have gotten my first job, but if I would be so blessed again, these are things that I would like.

must love dogs DVD
US weekly subscription
Friends DVD wooden box for my DVD's
(I think David is getting me these)

Yoga Booty Ballet
white, white sweater
tweed capris pants (which I cannot find in my size)

Well that's all i can think of

I think magazine subscriptions are the way to go for presents because it's the gift that keeps on giving all year round.

in my small group we are exchanging gifts so I think that I am going to get her a magazine subscription to something. I just don't know what yet. Would anyone like this for a gift? I think that it is better that some lotion of a candle, right?

Monday, December 05, 2005

my soap box

well over the last few days I have been confronted with some disturbing things. First the debate about whether or not to change the name of the tree here in Washington from the Christmas tree to the Holiday tree. When did we become so politically correct that Christmas has to be changed so that no one gets offended? I know this has been going on for some time, but it is really making me angry. I don't know many Christians that go around protesting other religion's holidays. I just think it's ridiculous! What is wrong with offending other people? We have gotten too caught up in not wanting to hurt people's feelings that we are willing to give up things that should be important to us?

Another thing that was brought up, even though I have heard this before, is that we need to dumb down our religion as to not offend others. What I mean by this is that in Sunday School, they are teaching kids how to talk to others about God. The first step is being their friend and then you bring them to church then there are a few other steps and after you have won their affection you really talk about God. Now, I know that I am guilty of doing this and it bothers me. But, the way that i see it is that children are innocent and they don't need to be taught to talk to others about God, because they just know how to do it. Why simplify the gospel so much as to taint it? I really have been confronted with we as Christians dumbing down the Bible so that it won't be offensive and that it can apply to everyone in certain situations. The Bible is meant to be offensive to those who don't Believe it!!! Not in a mean way, but in a way that it makes them feel uncomfortable. I know that not everyone will agree with me and I would really like to hear about it, because I am trying to wade through all this.

Some thoughts from church.
The average Christian is just as good/nice as the neighbor next door.

What will be your Biblical Legacy?
We are talking about traditions and legacies in our (SS class), and it was cool to realize that I am going to start making traditions. We were encouraged to write down what traditions or dates that were important to us and what we were going to do to perserve those traditions. They are also going to put together a booklet for us of everyone's traditions. Just a thought for everyone to do for new years!! This could be a resolution for you. If you needed any ideas.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

christmas spirit

today i think we are going to go shopping for some stuff you our apartment, well a dresser and a tv. they have one on craigslist that we are going to check out. i also found a store that buys and sells clothes. i have some stuff that i was going to sell on ebay, but that was too much work. a co-worker informed me that there was this store in maryland that is a used clothing shop, and I got excited. i also found this bead shop where i can make my own necklaces. to many hobbies and not enough time or money.

i finally sent out invites to my book club, and we are going to start next week. i am still in search of the perfect book, but realize that may be a lost cause. i have invited 13 people, 5 chirstians who are married, 2 engaged catholics, 3 single jewish girls, and three random girls. i am pretty excited about it. also i am working my way to have read 50 books this year. i HUGE accomplishment for me.

does anybody know of some good, funny, interpretations of the Christmas story? We are going to read it next week, and i thought it would be fun to have some interpretations of it, possibly like from a chid or something.

Friday, December 02, 2005


so it's official and I am coming home!!! well, at least for a weekend and not until Jan., but I am so excited. it's over MLK day, so carrie we'll have to figure out another weekend for you to come out here. i can't wait. i think we are even going to stop by como on the way and try to see some people. so if your there and you want to see us mark it on your calendars that we'll be by sometime that weekend. hmmm. I think we are going to see the capital tree tonight. this is exciting for me cause i have always wanted to be in a big city during the holidays. i might even get to travel to ny for a weekend here soon. we have a friend that lives in nj close to the city.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

my birthday

so, today is my 18th spiritual birthday!!!! I find this amazing. God has kept me share and by his side, most of the time, all throughout these years. I am truely blessed to have been surrounded by Christian people these years. God you receive all the glory for this special birthday!!!
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