

Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day Weekend

This past weekend was busy here in the Greer household. It all started Friday night with David's company picnic at the Padres Stadium. It was fun to hang out with David's co-workers and Charlotte hung out with her friend Kenzie. They danced and ate before the game. Charlotte lasted much longer than I expected her to at the game, considering we arrived at the stadium around 5 and stayed until 9. She provided between inning entertainment to the people behind us.

When we arrived home from the game our friend Yohan was almost to our apartment. He was spending the weekend with his favorite 10 month old and us. On Saturday we got up early to see a few houses. One we really liked and another one that was just ok. After we trekked back to the city we picked up our baseball equipment and headed to the batting cages. We were all pretty rusty and sore from the machine. Charlotte found our performance quite entertaining. 

This morning I fixed breakfast for Father's Day, red velvet pancakes. They were extremely rich and none of us could finish them. After breakfast we took a walk down to the bay front and enjoyed the beautiful weather. The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing and enjoying some much needed quite time, followed by dinner at our favorite SD burger place, Burger Lounge. 

Happy 1st Father's Day, David.

Here's a few outtakes from our photo shoot a few weeks ago.

9 Months

9 Months

Height: 26.75 inches long; Between 10-25th percentile
Weight: 15 lbs. 5 oz.; 5th percentile 
Head Size: 17.25 inches; Between 25-50th percentile
Diaper Size: Cloth diapers, Lengthwise second to smallest size, still size 2 in disposables
Clothes: Same as last month - mostly 6-9 month clothes, but anything from 6-12 months can fit. Even several of your 3-6 month dresses work as shirts now. 
Sleep: You are still an awesome sleeper, going to bed around 8:00 pm and sleeping through the night. When we are home you take a 1-2 hour nap in the morning and another 1-2 hour in the afternoon. 
Eating: You are still drinking milk anywhere from 4-5 times a day and usually around 5-6 oz. You eat dinner every night and lunch most days. Although lunch usually just consists of puffs. You still are a great eater. You've gotten better at eating thicker "baby food" but you aren't much of a fan. Foods you've tried this month are applesauce, strawberries, bread, yogurt and yogurt drops. 
Mommies Milestones: You are continuing to strengthen the skills you've learned over the past few months. You are a cruising machine. You enjoy banging the doors of the entertainment center and opening the cabinet doors in the bathroom. You went to your first Padres game. You love to follow mommy around the house. You survived your first sickness while grandma was in town. We didn't make it to swim lessons this month. You are still love going to MOPS and playing with the big kids. You played in the sand for the first time and loved it! You have started to say da da da. You signed milk and more for the first time. You don't like to cuddle so mommy and Charlotte naps are over. You are becoming such a big girl. 

Beach Essentials

In preparation for the upcoming beach season, I've put together a few items that will be in our beach bag this year. Most of these items could be used for the pool too. Baby powder is key for getting sand off wet babies. I wasn't sure it would work but it does. Sunscreen is a no brainer, along with a cover-up, hat and sunglasses. A tent for the baby to sleep in and keep cool from the sun along with a blanket to sit and lay on, plus sand toys to keep them occupied for at least 10 minutes. And last but not least is a great beach bag. I love the one from 31 because it doesn't collapse.

Any key summer items I'm forgetting?

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Pinterest Thursday - Subway Art

When I was planning Charlotte's nursery I knew I wanted to include subway art as part of the decor. I saw lots of prints on Pinterest and Etsy that I thought would be cute on her wall. More on those and her nursery in a later post. One thing that I kept seeing was prints with the baby's stats. I knew I needed one, and figured I could make one of my own. So when I found a tutorial on Pinterest I had to try it out.
The first go around took several tries and a few curse words to get right but I managed to finish it. Now that my sister just had her baby, I wanted to make one for his nursery. It's Dr. Seuss themed and when I found a Dr. Seuss font I knew it would be perfect. For the tutorial to make your own click here.

Whatever Wednesday

I'm finally posting on the right day, YAY! My random thoughts today include our new BlendTech blender and summer accessory essentials. 

We purchased the BlendTech blender this week and are loving it. I have wanted a blender of any sort now for months, but we never pulled the trigger. My parents have a Vitamix that we got while I was in high school and I remember us using it for awhile before we put it away under the counter. I'm hoping that we will continue to use the BlendTech for more than a few months. So far, so good. The best part for me is that I'm eating drinking my fruits and veggies, plus C loves the smoothies. We haven't given her much as I don't want her to drink her calories. And since she has been on an eating strike lately, we are only giving her sips of the drinks. 

I've been participating in a Pinterest challenge for the past few months. To read more about it click here.  After looking through the outfits I noticed there were several accessories that I was pairing with my outfits on a regular basis. So here they are. The great thing about these is that I've had them for awhile, with the exception of the necklace which was a recent purchase.

Jean Jacket. Statement Necklace. Watch. Scarf.

What are your favorite accessories?

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

June Pin-spired

I can't believe it's already June. Where did May go? Well since it's the first of the month that means another edition of Pin-spired. At first I was afraid that I had forgotten to take pictures of the outfits this month, but after looking through my phone photos I found a few. The only downside is several of them are from previously posted inspiration photos so I decided not to post them.

Don't forget to check out the Mel, Shay and Sheaffer the wonderful ladies behind this challenge. Beause of the challenge I've started following them and have been getting inspiration from their outfits.

Outfit #1 - Pinks and Yellows (Neons)

I'm in love with this Neon pink shirt that I scored on super clearance at J-Crew. I wear it several times a week. Of course I had to match with my baby girl. 

Outfit #2 - Stripes, Neon and Statement necklace

I'm having trouble pulling the actual photo onto my blog as I think the author may have deleted the post, but to see the original pin visit my Pinterest Board here

If you're new to the challenge I highly recommend trying it out. It's a great way to bring new life to old things. 

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Whatever Wednesday

On Sunday the Rock and Roll Marathon is here in SD. I wanted to run in this race, but since I haven't worked out in the last month, I decided that I probably shouldn't. So instead I'm going to plop myself down in front of our apartment and watch the other racers run. Yes, the marathon path goes right by our place. I've never been a spectator before for a race. It will be an early morning as the race starts at 6:15 and we are between miles 6-7. I'm also considering going to the Expo this weekend if we have time.

Our church is right smack in the middle of the 1/2 marathon path, so we have decided to watch church from home on Sunday. Maybe next year RR 1/2 marathon, maybe next year.

It's been almost 2 years since I ran a race. I miss it. Running with C has proven to be fairly easy, but my motivation is quickly declining. I did join a running group of other moms, but I'm lacking the motivation to get up earlier to meet the group.

In other news, my sister had her baby tonight via C-section. He was a hefty boy weighing in at 9.2 lbs and he was a week early. I can't wait to meet him and I'm hoping a trip home is in my future.

We finished wrapping up Psych, Dexter, Chicago Fire and Arrested Development this week. David has been getting home earlier this week and this is how we have spent our evenings. I am excited for the summer shows to return. The ones I'm looking forward to are Burn Notice, Royal Pains, Pretty Little Liars, AGT and a new show Graceland. We are considering getting rid of cable again. I'll admit, having it the past 8 months has been awesome. I know we can live without it, but I really enjoy the DVR.

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