

Friday, October 25, 2013

Whatever Wednesday

In honor of breast cancer awareness month I'm encouraging all the women out there to treat themselves to a breast exam, bra-fitting and new bra. Last week as I was reading one of the blogs I follow I was introduced to a new bra brand at a reasonable price. As a mom whose body changed over the last 18 months I was in desperate need of a new bra. I've only been fitted at VS and was told by my doctor to head over to Nordstrom for a proper bra fitting. Before purchasing said bra (available online only for the price) I decided I should be fitted since I knew my size changed.

After browsing the bras and finding the brand that was on sale I asked for a bra fitting and mentioned that I was only browsing and would probably purchase the sale bra online. The girl who helped me spent about an hour with me and gave me 30+ options from a number of labels. She also fitted me and you guessed it, I was a different size than what I had been wearing. She also talked to me about fit and how your bra should lay/look. Seriously I think I've been wearing the wrong band size for ages. Who knew that when your band rides up in the back it's a sign that it's too big. I always thought it meant that the bra was worn out and adjusted the shoulder straps to compensate. It worked for awhile. I left with the names/styles of 6-7 different bras I love and vowed to purchase from her if I decided to take the plunge. As nice as these bras were I was shocked by the prices $58-75. I realize that if it's a good bra it's worth the price. I went home and compared the one I had seen online with the ones I tried on and clicked purchase. The bra came in the mail today and I love it. I'm thinking about ordering another one, especially since it was 50% off.

One another note, two of my teams are playing at the same time this Saturday - STL Cardinals and the Missouri Tigers. This is fourth time in the past 10 years the Cardinals have played in the World Series. This weekend also marks the 102nd MIZZOU Homecoming festivities. My team is 7-0 for the first time since 2010. Who knew we would have this kind of year? I really wish we could be there for the game and for my niece's 2nd birthday. Happy Birthday Harper!!!

Am I the only one who can't get back into running? I have been struggling to get motivated to run since I left my running group months ago. I thought when we moved it would be easy to do, but it's worse. We have so many hills in our neighborhood that I can't make it up one hill without stopping. I want to run a 1/2 marathon next spring and I need to get back into shape pronto. I've been feeling like a blob.

Pumpkin Patch Take 2

We took daddy with us to the pumpkin patch over the weekend. He was a trooper, since the the place was packed and it was hot. Charlotte didn't enjoy the trip as much this time so were only there for a short time. Here are a few pictures from our adventures.

Here's a picture of C's first Halloween. She looks so much older this year. 

14 Months

14 Months

Height: 28.3 inches long; 13.5th percentile*
Weight: 16 lbs. 10.5 oz.; 7.7th percentile*
Head Size: 17.9 inches; 58th percentile*
Foods: Humus, pretzels, eggs and enchiladas
Words: bye-bye, hi, ma ma, da da, woof-woof for dog, up, baby
Mommy's Milestones: You point at things you want, you have 6 teeth (finally), you are pretending to like books more and you enjoy trying to dress yourself. Oh, You LOVE the iPAD. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Pinterest Thursday

I'm back with my reviews of Pinterest projects and I have several that I'm excited to share. Since I'm still working on several of them I will share with you a recipe I tried this week. I'll admit that I didn't actually find this recipe on Pinterest, but I have pinned it and plan on making it again.

David indulges me and eats the yummy recipes I find on Pinterest. Some of them have been good and some ok. The Chicken Chick Pea Curry recipe we tried this week was delicious!! I would give it 5 stars and the best part is, it was super easy and crock-pot friendly. I've eaten chick peas before and didn't care for them in their original state, but they were so delicious and healthy.

I've had our crock pot  for 8 years and only recently started using it. I'm excited that fall is approaching and that means more crock pot meals.

Seriously, you should try this recipe. We added the corn to the finished product. 

Chicken Chick Pea Curry

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Whatever Wednesday

Things are finally getting back to normal after visitors and moving. I had planned to do an entire post on moving but we are still unpacking and decorating. So once things are de-cluttered I'll post some pictures of the new place. We are loving it and I am loving having a backyard. One thing I'm not loving is the lack of air conditioning. This shouldn't be an issue, but we are having a HEAT wave here and the house gets toasty in the afternoons. Most of the year the heat won't be an issue.

We have also dropped cable. Boo. I actually don't miss it that much, but what I do miss is actually getting normal channels. Right now we get ABC and CBS. We have an antenna, and we still only pick up those channels. We tried a different one and it was worse. I miss NBC and have to catch up on all my shows the day after. I'm loving our Apple TV and Nextflix. I can watch shows from virtually anywhere.

I'm getting ready to read, Captivating by Stasi Eldredge. I've read several other books by her and her husband. They did not disappoint.

Only one more month before Catching Fire comes out.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Fun

I've been looking forward to taking Charlotte to the Pumpkin Patch for awhile now. Since I was wanting to go, I knew others probably did too, so I organized a trip for our MOPS group last week. It was fun getting to hang out with the ladies outside of our monthly meetings. We went to Bates Nut Farm and it did not disappoint, tons of animals for the kids to look at, hayride, corn maze, picking out a pumpkin, pony rides and a petting zoo. Plus a General Store to purchase jams, jellies and other goodies.

I was hoping for a great photo op, but since C is on the go now,  it's hard to take a posed picture. These are the best pictures I got.

On the hayride with Alicia and Noelle. The girls had on almost identical outfits. 

I'll take all these pumpkins please.

I don't like hay.

Don't worry I got this. 

Are these pumpkins or drums. 

Does this wheelbarrow make me look small?

I''ll take this one too. 

One of these weekends we will have to visit a different pumpkin patch with daddy.

Small Group Park Fun

Tonight we said goodbye to some dear friends from our small group. We met at a local park and fellowshipped while the kids all played. I met these sweet ladies at a MOPS group last fall. Our small group is going through the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace course. We have really enjoyed getting to know each of these families and are looking at further developing our relationships. 

Addy pushing Charlotte. Addy loves Charlotte. 

All the ladies minus Anna. 
The whole group minus Anna, Brooklyn and Avery. 
Cute kiddos.

We will miss you White family. Safe travels to Virginia!!
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