

Monday, September 20, 2010

Prayer for Babies

I'm constantly amazed by how God answers prayers even if it isn't the answer we want and I'm truly blessed to be in the company of so many amazing believers.

My college friend Chris and his wife Emily were expecting twin this year, but they unexpectedly came into this world at only 24 weeks old. Another college friend Phyllis is posting updates for the babies on her blog. I can't begin to imagine what their family is going through, but I do know that they are relying on God and the power of prayer to get them through this rough time. The babies have already been through so much during their short time here on earth. But God is GREAT and does not give us things we can't endure.

I remember just over a year ago when my niece was born, not breathing with a hole in her heart. I was 1000's of miles away and my heart was in pieces. The doctors gave her a high chance of survival, but they didn't know what would be in store for her. At only 5 days old she had open heart surgery. Shortly after her surgery, she was re-opened because of internal bleeding. During the first month of her life, I received so many encouraging notes from people in the blogging sphere, through FaceBook, and twitter. Knowing that hundreds of people were praying for my family was comforting and helped me through the rough time. It also was around the time my brother and his family starting attending church regularly.

Makenzie at three days old.
Makenzie at 14 months.

God uses these times for his glory and not our own. His will is accomplished even when we question it. Our trials are ultimately used for His glory. I know that no matter what happens in these babies lives He will be glorified.

Social Media is often used to pervert, distort, and highlight negative things, but I think that it can also be used as the modern day prayer chain. I've witnessed countless accounts of posts lifting up prayers for these two babies in addition to other requests. People who have never met this family are praying for them and that is a testiment to the body of believers.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


My sister and I didn't always get along. She's five years older than me and mature beyond her years. I've always looked up to her. We didn't become "real" friends until I went away to college. By then I was on my own and we had more in common than ever before.

My sister encouraged me to run my first marathon and trained with me for six months. (She in Chicago and I in DC). Almost 5 hours later (a little less) we crossed the finish line hand in hand. It was a moment I will never forget. I don't think I could have done it without her.

She will be leaving Chicago soon. We've hung out more in the last 6 weeks than we did in the past 2 years. No more shopping or running after work. I know I'll survive, but I don't know if she will. :) Here are some pics of us over the years.

My marathon photo refuses to update.

Friday, September 03, 2010

College Football Season Has Begun

Growing up I hated football and that's American Football. Here are the reason's why (in no particular order):
1. My family wasn't into football
2. STL did not have a NFL team
3. My schools did not have football teams. I don't think there was enough boys to fill an entire team. The girls would have made up the team.
4. We had one TV growing up and football came on during my TV time on the weekends.
However, after attending a college with a respectable (most of the time) team I gradually started liking the sport. Over the past few years my interest in COLLEGE FOOTBALL has grown and I can't wait for game day. It's been many years since I've actually been to a college game and I really want to see my Tigers play this year. We are heading to STL tonight (I'm riding the Mega Bus) to watch the Tigers play tomorrow. We don't have tickets to the game :( but we are hoping to meet up with college pals and watch it. I'm planning to hit up the tailgate in the morning.

Now that David is back in school I guess I have two teams to cheer for and we may actually get to see a Northwestern game since it's pretty close. I don't know if this was national or not, but in Chicago, tons of people are sporting their school colors in support of opening day. Being the professional I am, I decided it was best to save my school spirit for tomorrow. Plus I don't think the big guy would like it.

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