

Monday, November 22, 2010

Preparing for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is in three days and it's the first time I've been home for Thanksgiving in 6 years! David and I always stayed in DC for Thanksgiving and opted to travel for Christmas instead.

I've taken the week off (use it or lose it PTO) in order to relax, catch up with family, and see old friends. And I must say it's nice to be home, with no agenda, however, my week is quickly picking up. Tomorrow I will head back to my old stomping grounds (TG) and help my mom with her annual Thanksgiving Feast. I remember when I was in high school and would help out with these programs. I'm hoping to catch up with some old friends too while working a couple hours here and there. Next stop Thanksgiving, then a day with Black Friday shopping! My mom, sis, and I always used to get up early and hit the sales. I'm so excited to to spend time with them doing our favorite thing. I'm also planning to run a turkey trot too. It's my new Thanksgiving tradition.
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