

Thursday, February 28, 2008

End of the road

Well, my attempt at blogging every day was average. I didn't accomplish my goal, but I sure did try. It's made me want to start blogging again, but on actual topics. I've already decided that next month, I will try and read the Bible every day. I read so much anyway that this shouldn't be a problem. It just needs to be a priority, blogging wasn't. If I am successful next month, I'm hoping that it will become a habit, instead of a month long challenge.

I've already meet one of my goals for the year which was to learn a new skill - Photoshop. The other classes I'm taking this year are Dreamweaver, which I'm already proficient in, but I have to take for work, a writing workshop, and I'll be a chapter member of the Toastmasters International. No, they don't make toasters, it's more of a public speaking/professional development group. I'm so excited!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Boleyn Girl

This weekend the must see movie of the year, for me, comes out. The Other Boleyn Girl. I love Natalie Portman too. I'm not so much a fan of Scarlett Johanssen, but I'll have to take the bad with the good. Because I've been reading more historical fiction lately, it's definitely peaked my interest in learning more about history, english history is. I'll starting reading the sequel to the Boleyn Girl this weekend. I think it's about Anne's daughter.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I've seen a lot of movies recently. Ones I would recommend are Vantage Point and Kingdom. Ones I wouldn't suggest are the Brave One, Fools Gold, and Rendition. I hear Michael Clayton was good, but I feel asleep during it. Movie I'm most looking forward too is the Other Boleyn Girl.

On to the Oscars. I haven't decided yet if I will watch the Oscars, even if there isn't any new TV on. This was perfect timing.
My vote for Best Picture is Juno, even though they are the underdogs. My next choice is Atonement, even though I don't like Keira Knightly. I don't have favorites for the other categories.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Snow, Snow

So it's supposed to snow and ice tonight. How many times have I heard that this winter? I know most of the country has been hit pretty hard this winter by snow storms, and we unfortunately haven't. Part of me wants to finally have a winter storm tomorrow, but I'm also ready for spring and I'm done with the cold weather.

Do the winter blues have you down?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Lately I've been getting a lot of recognition at work. A few weeks ago I was asked to sit on a panel at an Executive Conference, this week I received the "Heisman" award for submitting articles to our intranet, and I was asked to help lead a Learning Center course. It's been a great honor, but I have to wondering if it comes at a price. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the limelight, but I also know it can end as soon as it begins.

One thing I have learned in my short stint as a top performer is that you have to make chances for yourself. If you don't seize opportunities no matter how big or small, you'll regret it later. Don't have regrets or missed opportunities. Seize the day!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I don't want to work

Why can't I have tomorrow off? It's a holiday isn't it? President's Day is just as important as the other holidays. We should all be off when the government is off.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Why has it been a struggle for me to post everyday? Even if there isn't anything for me to write, and I can always come up with something. As much as I would like to blame it on time and recent travel I can't when. When I was running last month I traveled and entertained company while running. The lack of commitment comes from my insecurity in my writing skills. I always second guess myself when it comes to writing. I hate reading aloud things I've written. I can write fact driven pieces, but when it comes to creating writing, I struggle. I am looking into taking a course to improve my abilities.

On a side note, I'm entertaining taking classes for a graphic design certificate. I've learned so much from my photoshop class and I just can't get enough.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Shipping Companys

I know how excited I was when I first heard that I could send sometihng overnight and it was guaranteed to be there the next day. Those days are over. I can't stand FedEx. They lost my package again. It never fails that the packages don't arrive on time for this winter meeting. Maybe I should quit using Fedex or quit shipping to this meeting.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Have you seen the new tv show Moment of Truth? I watched it for the first time this week, and cringed for the people who were on it. They ask some very personal questions. I know that I wouldn't put myself or my friends and family through that. I asked myself what would motivate someone to expose themselves on national television like that. My only answer was for fame and fortune. We see it all the time with celebrities and lets face it, they are just like us. We all have the desire to be known. It goes to show what people will do when they're in the limelight. I think it's sad, but it's a reality that will will do almost anything for fame and fortune.

Speaking of how fame and fortune can ruin lives just look at Britney Spears. I really feel sorry for the girl. No one is able to get through her. She is literary throwing her life away. She had everything going for her, and her world has crumpled around her. I'm not sure she'll make it through this next year. Her potential just wasted.

It makes me grateful that I'm not it that position, even though I sometimes wish I was.

Friday, February 08, 2008


It's no surprise why so many people are sick after traveling. I spent a few hours in the airport today contemplating this very subject. What sparked my first concern was the bathroom. I went in to do my business and on the toliet there was the automatic seat liners. I don't like these things. To some they may seem like a good idea, but what's really happening when the liner rotates? Is it disposed of, recycled, or reused? I would much rather have the option to either use a liner or not. At least I know where it came from. My other concerns ar those seemingly nice pillows and blankets lying around the plane. I'm usually a sucker for these, as I use flights to catch up on sleep. However, the last time I flew people were coughing and wiping their hands all over these things. In my mind I knew these things happened, however it didn't bother me until I found multiple strands of hair, not my own, on said pillow or blanket. It definitely makes you think twice about using them on your next flight. Luckily for me I bought a neck pillow and blanket to use on my upcoming travels. I'm a sucker for a two for one deal. Another suggesting for surving airports, taking airborne before your flight.

Thursday, February 07, 2008


It's good to be back in Chi-town! The pizza's great, the dog is great, and my sister's gifts are great. The weather hasn't bothered me at all. I'm still nervous about the panel tomorrow. I know it's no big deal, but I still want to make a good impression. It's nice working for a company that will fly me to another city for a one hour presentation. Sometimes I love my job. One thing is for sure I do love this city.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

the winter blahs!

it's 70 degrees here and I have the winter blahs. I know, who could be sad when it's that warm in February? I think the stresses of every day living have gotten me down. However, I was asked to sit on a panel at a company meeting this Friday. I go from warm and sunny to cold and snowy. Yep, I'm flying to Chicago and I get to see my sister. That's 3 times in 6 weeks. I think that's more than I used to see her when I lived in STL. Yes I know it will be awhile before my next visit so I am treasuring every chance I get.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I've already messed up!

Well here it is day five and I have already blown it. I can't believe that I wasn't able to keep my commitment to blogging. Sunday I was out watching the Superbowl and didn't get home until late. I completely forgot about blogging, but I will not let that dampen my spirits.

An old friend e-mailed me out of the blue today. Sometimes I'm not sure how to respond to those e-mails. However, I was pleasant and congratulated her on her recent pregnancy while updating her on my life. She was my best friend in high school, then something happened when we went away to college and things were never the same. I heard rumors about our falling out, but I never confronted her to see if they were true. Maybe if I had we would still be close friends today. I thought about apologizing for whatever I did to contribute to the downfall of our relationship, if she e-mails me back. I'm not sure it's worth it. I know it won't change anything, but I need closer. I know it's been like 7 years, but I still need it.

What would you do?

Saturday, February 02, 2008

2007 Goals

For the past few years I have tried to read 52 books in a year. Sometimes it was easier than others. This year I decided to take a break from this goal. I am still going to read, but I want to enjoy and remember the books I read. Here are some of my favorites from 2007.

Little Women
Nineteen Minutes
Saving Fish From Drowning
Vanishing Acts
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Water for Elephants
The Glass Castle

My other goal was to run 500 miles. I never imagined how challenging this would be. I started recording the number of miles I was running back in January. I had planned to run a ten mile race in April and wanted to see how much training I needed to accomplish this. Once I had completed this race I moved on to a marathon. This was something I decided to do mid year with my sister. This wasn't something I had planned on doing, but since I turned 26 last year I thought it was the perfect time to achieve it. Even with training for a marathon, I only briefly surpassed my goal of 500 miles, and it wasn't until September or October that I reached my mark. I ended the year running 687 miles. This year I decided to run a couple smaller races. I have already signed up for my first half marathon in St. Louis.

Friday, February 01, 2008

February's Challenge

Today marks my second month long challenge of the year. For my "new year's resolutions" I decided to challenge myself to do something new every day for an entire month. Blogging is my second challenge. Seeing as I haven't blogged in almost 3 months, I felt this was something I should try.

You may be thinking what did you complete in January.? After reading an article on Streak Runners I decided to run every day for the duration of January. Streak Runners run at least one mile per day outside. They don't use treadmills or ellipticals. Some of the elite runners have been in the club for 15-30 years. To read the article in its entirety click here. My challenge consisted of running at least a mile every day, but I could use the elliptical and the treadmill. Most days I was able to run at least three, however there were a few times I only ran the required one mile. I faced two challenges this month: having company in over the weekend and visiting my family back in Missouri. On both occasions I stuck to my plan and ran. However while I was at home, the temperature dropped below 10 degrees every morning I ran. It was less than enjoyable.

What did you decide to change this year?? I'm still looking for suggestions on what I can do each month. If you have a recommendation for me let me know.
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