

Saturday, June 27, 2015

7 Months

7 Months

Height: 27 inches; 68th percentile*
Weight: 16.15 pounds; 24th percentile
Head Size: 17 inches; 46 percentile*
Diaper Size: We are using cloth and size 3 diapers. I think C was in size 3 diapers from 12-24 months.
Clothes: 6-12, 6-9 and some 6 month shorts
Sleep: Sleep has been all over the place this past month. I blame some of that on our recent travels. We have finally figured out a nap routine. You take a nap around 9 am and will sleep anywhere from 1-3 hours. You nap best in your crib. You still take a solid afternoon nap and usually fall asleep around 1.
Eating: We have started solids. We are following the BLW method and giving you whole foods to gnaw on. You love food and when you see anyone eating you get antsy and try to reach for the food. You've had bread, bananas, cheese, applesauce, carrots, broccoli, apples and pears. Your favorites are apples and bread.
Mommy Milestones: You are a mover and can get places at lightning speed. We are still working on sitting up, but you handle the high chair like a champ. You have started saying mamma, bababa and some dadada.

*6 Month Stats

6 Month Favorites

6 Months

6 Months

Height: 27 inches; 68th percentile (they were wrong at his last appointment, wa wa)
Weight: 16.02 pounds; 24th percentile
Head Size: 17 inches; 46 percentile
Diaper Size: Mainly cloth, but we are using up the remaining size 2 for nights. We are having some leaks, so we will size up soon.
Clothes: 6 Months and some 6-9 month things
Sleep: Sleep has been all over the place this past month. I blame some of that on our recent travels. We have finally figured out a nap routine. You take a nap around 9 am and will sleep anywhere from 1-3 hours. You nap best in your crib. You still take a solid afternoon nap and usually fall asleep around 1.
Eating: We still have you on a milk only diet and plan to start solids once we get back from vacation.
Mommy Milestones: Your crawl EVERYWHERE. I can't keep you in one place. You love to laugh and your big sister loves getting you to laugh. You are noticing toys more and will bang on them.

Friday, June 26, 2015

What's Up Wednesday: June Edition

The last Wednesday of every month is my What's Up Wednesday post. Today I'm linking up with Mel and Shay and you should too.

Here are the questions.

1. What we're eating this week...

not a whole lot. I haven't been to the grocery store because we have been in between trips

2. What I'm reminiscing about...

Thursday I will be celebrating my 10th anniversary. I'm reminiscing about the events revolving around our wedding.

3. What I'm loving...

this guy... He gets a to celebrate a year of "special events" all in one week i.e. Father's Day, Birthday and Anniversary

4. What we've been up to...

sweating, playing in the pool, watching movies, did I mention sweating?

5. What I'm dreading...

sleep training with E

6. What I'm working on...

a little bit of everything - cleaning, organizing and crafting

7. What I'm excited about...

our trip to Palm Springs today and our anniversary

8. What I'm watching/reading....

Lots of children's books...It's summer reading program time

I picked up two new shows this summer - Whispers and the Astronauts Wife Club

9. What I'm listening to...

lots of light up toys 

10. What I'm wearing...

workout clothes, loungewear and shorts

11. What I'm doing this weekend...

No plans yet

12. What I'm looking forward to next month..

more planning of our trip to Hawaii in September

13. What else is new...

i'm learning I can survive on only 4 hours a sleep a night. time zones stink.

14. What are you doing for the 4th...

hopefully hanging out with friends, eating and enjoying the festivities

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

#lauraeveryday2015 Weeks 16-19

I've been way behind on posting my weekly pictures, so here's what we have been up to for the past 2 months!

Week 16

Day 109

Greers do Disney
Day 111

Hanging out with this guy

 Day 112

5 Months old big guy

Day 114

We have rain!

Day 115

We attempted a sleepover

Week 17

Day 116
Ready for church

Day 117

First Padres game of the year.

Day 118

Holding my bottle.

Day 119

Chalk drawings with daddy.

Day 120

Frosted Lemonade

Day 121

Carlsbad Flower fields

Day 122

The daddys took the kids to the baseball game. 

Week 18

Day 123

My first attempt at Royal Icing.

Day 124

Love these jamberrys.

Day 125

Botanical Gardens

Day 126

MNO with good friends.

Day 128

Learning the art of baby feeding.

Week 19

Day 130

Mother's Day/E's dedication

Day 131

Dinner and a movie

Day 132

Pinterest success

Day 133

Yummy toes

Day 134

Eating apples

Day 135
Playing at the gym with friends.

Day 136

Epic drool

Week 19

Day 137

Trail mix

Day 138

Leatherheads Museum

Day 139

Last MOPS day

Day 140

Day 141

Cardinals/Royal series.

Day 142

6 Months Old

Day 143

Mini and Me drinks

Friday, June 19, 2015

Family Vacation Part 1

It had been a year since our last visit to the good ole state of Missouri. After flying 3,600 miles (to and from) and driving 1,100 miles - STL - Como - KC - STL - Chicago - STL we saw just about everyone we could have wanted to see and do/eat everywhere I wanted to eat.

This was my first time flying with two kids alone and E's first flight. The kids did awesome on the flight. E slept the whole time and C watched movies. 

On the way home we grabbed Qdoba and decided to drive to CoMo. What we didn't know was that we were heading into a torrential rain storm. I haven't seen rain like that in a long time, plus I enjoyed seeing the lightning. It took longer than expected and the kids slept through it.

Saturday morning the cousins hung out, watched movies and played, surprisingly well with one another. My sister and I headed out to do some shopping before heading back to the chaos.

Sunday was my nephew's birthday. And it was also the day E decided to scream/not sleep ALL DAY. 

Seriously, ALL DAY. Monday and Tuesday we took it easy, ate Shakespeares and visited my aunt. I'm so glad she had a chance to meet Everett. As she passed away on Friday. 

Wednesday we headed out to KC and drove through another rain storm. David joined us in KC for the weekend. We caught a Royals game, caught up with old friends and visited with family. David headed back to SD and me and the kids headed to STL.

We hung out with my family for a couple days enjoying some of my favorite childhood activities - IGA donuts, Lion's Choice, JayCee Park and Lyons Frozen Custard. 

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