

Friday, April 19, 2013

8 Months

8 Months

Height: 25.5 inches long; Between 25-50th percentile*
Weight: 15 lbs. 2 oz.; 10-25th percentile (with clothes on)*
Head Size: 16.5 inches; 25th percentile*
Diaper Size: Cloth diapers, second to smallest size
Clothes: Mostly 6-9 month clothes, but anything from 6-12 months can fit. Even several of your 3-6 month dresses work as shirts now. 
Sleep: You are still an awesome sleeper, going to bed around 8:00pm and sleeping through the night. When we are home you take a 1-2 hour nap in the morning and another 1-2 hour in the afternoon. 
Eating: You are still drinking milk anywhere from 5-6 times a day and the amount varies. I have been more diligent about feeding you dinner. I haven't found anything you don't like, but I'm sure that will change. As far as "real foods" you've tried chicken, fries, peaches, avocados, bananas and you love PUFFS!
Mommies Milestones: You have changed and grown so much this past month. You can know sit up on your own, go from a standing position to a seated position and you are pulling up on anything that is sturdy. You can pull into a kneeling position. Both of your bottom teeth came in and they didn't give you much trouble. You have figured out how to un-velcro your diaper. You can clap and you scream in joy. You are saying a few more syllables - da, ba pa, ma. We mostly still hear ba ba ba interspersed with other sounds. You are getting better at picking up things with your pinchers. You have taken a few steps with your stand and learn walker. You took your first run in the jogging stroller and you're done after 3 miles. You had so much fun with your cousin Harper when she visited and kept looking for her several days after she left. We love seeing your personality develop. You are so happy and haven't met anyone you don't like. 

*Stats are from last appointment

8 Month Favorites

1. Inglesina High Chair - We spent a great deal of time searching for a high chair. I didn't want a traditional high chair since we have a counter height table, plus they are kind of obtrusive. It was difficult to find one that would work with our table since it has a lip, but I really like this one. It attaches easily to the table and washes nicely. 
2. Skip Hop Water Bottle - I like this water bottle because it has a straw. We tried another sippy cup and C didn't like it. Plus this bottle matches our bib and lunchbox. 
3. V-Tech Sit to Stand Learning Walker - This was a surprisingly great purchase. C loves the lights and sounds and uses it to practice standing. She has even taken a few steps on her own pushing the walker. 
4. PUFFS - Ahh, solid foods. C loves puffs and they are easy to travel with for lunch. They are also helping her practice her pincher grasp. 
5. Jogging Stroller - We found the JEEP jogging stroller on Craigslist and I couldn't be happier. It works well. If you plan on running, I highly recommend getting a jogging stroller. I will say that I am glad we have a regular stroller for every day use. 


  1. Can't wait to see her stats for her nine month appt! :) She looks adorable, as always!

    1. Thanks. She feels like she's gained several pounds. If I can tell, then she's definitely getting chunky. ;)

  2. She is seriously one of the cutest babies I've ever seen!

    1. Thanks. She's a great photo prop.


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