

Monday, February 03, 2014

Trip to the cold Midwest

Since we didn't go home for Christmas, C and I made plans for a trip over MLK Day. Missouri has experienced one of the coldest winters in recent history this year. As excited as I was for the trip, I was dreading the weather. The weather was pretty mild during our trip, which I was thankful for, and we even went to the park one day.

Before arriving I told my parents that I wanted to stop by Qdoba on the way home. Qdoba is one of my favorite fast food places. Yummy! Since I didn't have much time in STL I met up with one of my oldest friends for dinner at the Q. She definitely wanted to see me to trek over to my side of St. Chuck.

If I haven't mentioned it before, C loves animals, especially dogs. She had the best time with all the dogs on our trip. My parents have two dogs, a cat and a bunny. She loved all of them.

Pop, Macy and C. 
Mimi, C and Snickerdoodle. C feed the bunny every night.

Charlotte spent two days playing with her cousin. They had so much fun. We also spent the evening with my brother and his family.

Playing with her cousin.

After our visit to STL we traveled West to Columbia where we spent a few days with my sister's family and more cousins. We spent time playing with bikes, jumping in the bounce house, watching movies and playing with the Harper's kitchen. 

First experience with Shakespeares' pizza dough.  
Future MU grads and roommates. 
Playing at the park.

Mimi, Me and C.
My sis and Henry. 
Trying out Harper's tricycle. 
After a few days in CoMo we header further West to KC to visit g-ma and g-pa. We spent time with friends, great grandparents and another dog.

Reading with g-ma.
A box, show, milk and baby make for a great afternoon. 

Hanging out with college friends and their kids. 
Visiting with one of my favorite MU people. It was so great to see her. 
on our way home.
Thanks MO for hosting us. We plan to come back soon. 


  1. So glad you were able to get back to visit! Isn't it so hard to fit in seeing everyone you want?!? Charlotte is such a cutie!

    1. Thanks! Yes, it is hard trying to spend time with family and getting together with friends. Luckily I was able to do some of both this time. I guess that's what 10 days back home gets you.


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