

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Whatever Wednesday

We been keeping busy here with friend playdates and trips to the Chick-fil-A. Charlotte is growing up before my eyes and developing a sassy attitude to go with it. I adore her and enjoy spending my days and nights chasing, dancing and reading to her. 

We've been listening to a Pandora station called Veggie Tales and all of my favorite Disney songs are in rotation. I'll admit I really dig the Frozen songs and I'm excited for the Blue Ray that comes out next month. I'm planning on buying it. Everyone who's seen it raves about it. I may also have an interest in the movie since Kristen Bell is the voice of Anna. I'm working my way through the Veronica Mars series, for the second time, and I'm reminded why I heart her. The other DVD I'm excited for is Catching Fire. Is anyone else anxious about how they are dealing with Philip Seymour Hoffman's character for the final two movies? 

I've been working on new colors and headbands for my Etsy store. I would love to see if any of the local boutiques or resale shops would let me sell my items in their store, but I have to muster up the courage to ask. The worse thing that can happen is they say no, right? Hopefully I'll have a few St. Patrick's Day bows/headbands in the store this weekend along with a code. 

I'm planning on hosting a Matilda Jane Trunk Show in April. Their clothes are so adorable. If you are interested in more information let me know. 

Sonic finally opened in SD! I met a friend, who's from MO, went to MIZZOU and worked at the bookstore with me, for Happy Hour on Tuesday. It was a mad house. I do appreciate they have outdoor seating and FREE refills on drinks when you dine-in. It's not as close as Chick-Fil-A, but it's on a route we take very often. I anticipate lots of trips for HH drinks. 

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