

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Yes, I'm a Twihard. I read all four book in the span of two weeks several summers ago. Stephanie Meyers' storytelling ability is astounding. I know many out there who may disagree, but once you begin the books you can't put them down.

I'm going to see Eclipse tonight with a group of girls. Swooning and giggling are required. I'm actually stoked to see this movie as it is my favorite, all right it's tied with New Moon. All a disappointing showing from New Moon, I'm looking for redemption from my favorite characters. And once again I'm Team Jacob. I feel the way the actors portray Bella and Edward is pathethic. I would still be a Team Jacob fan even if the acting was better.

I completed the Short Second Short Life of Bree Tanner this morning. It's really been awhile since I read the books, because I don't remember her character at all. However I'm glad to have finished it before tonight.

I still need to read Midnight Sun. But the thought of sitting in front of the computer to read a book, after I've already been in front of the computer for 8 hours, is not appealing to me. One day I will finish. I'm currently on page 13. The last time I tried to read the book was in December. Please oh please Stephanie, let me download this book. I promise not to share it with anyone!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


For those of you out there who haven't heard of GROUPON yet, come out of your hole and enjoy the fabulous offers they have to enjoy. I follow them on Facebook, Twitter and receive a daily e-mail. It's a little obsessive, but I never miss out on a deal, especially when I'm watching for deals in two different cities.

I've purchased two Groupons - one for a tanning salon and one for a nail salon. Both groupons saved me over 50% of the retail value. Groupons are a great way to test out new restaurants, salons, and even drag racing. You even get rewards for recommending Groupon to others.

Why couldn't I have come up with this idea?

Monday, June 14, 2010


My husband (David) and I are celebrating our 5th anniversary next week. I am flying to Chicago to spend the weekend with him. My flight leaves early Friday morning from DC and I arrive around 8:00 a.m. which is just enough time for David to meet me at the airport, give me keys to our apartment, then rush off to class. Our actual anniversary is on Friday and since I'll have the day off I wanted to plan something special. I'll be the one with time. However, I'll be in a city that's new to me. We don't have too many "us" memories there and I'm struggling to come up with something for us to do.

I know that we'll just want to spend time together, but I also want to plan something. Any ideas??? He's going to be sleep deprived from writing papers and studying cramming for a final. Did I mention that his birthday is two days before our anniversary?

I'm usually really creative, but I'm stumped on this one. We are on a budget so we can't really do anything extravagant.

Thursday, June 03, 2010


I never understood the appeal of LOST. I tried to watch the first season right before the second season began but I quickly lost interest. Thus I never joined the bandwagon until now.

Now that the series is over I decided to give the show a try, especially since Netflix has it on instant watch. I've become addicted. If is wasn't on instant watch I don't know if I could suffer through waiting for each disc to arrive. It would be torture. I'm so glad it's summer and my other shows on are on hiatus.

One thing I know for sure. I wouldn't want to be stuck on that island.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Obessed with craft blogs

Recently I've become obsessed with craft blogs. You heard me right, craft blogs. I can't get enough of them. Some many talented artists out there who are willing to share their techniques with us. My favorites have been Tattered Angels for scrapbooking and Distinct Designs for sewing projects. Both sites offer adorable recommendations for different projects. It makes me want to quit my job and focus on my own line of crafts. Someday.....

I will soon post about my recent craft projects. I've been working hard over the last few months on projects to give as gifts. I hope the recipients like them. I'm my worst critic.
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