

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Everett: 10 - 12 Months

10 Months

Disclaimer: Since you spent over 2 weeks at grandmas/grandpas house I don't have much to report this month.

Height: 28.25 inches; 47th percentile*
Weight: 17.3 pounds; 12th percentile*
Head Size: 17.75 inches; 53 percentile*
Diaper Size: Still in size 3 diapers
Clothes: 9 Month clothes and some 12 month stuff
Sleep: You have become a great sleeper. The length of your naps might not be consistent, but you will take 2 naps a day and go down so easily at night.
Eating: You are still a great eater. You want whatever I am eating and don't want anyone to feed you. You've tried cheerios, grapes, veggie sticks and pirate's booty and are getting better at trying more pouches.
Mommy Milestones: You finally have 2 teeth! You can crawl three different ways and love to stand. You have an amazing grip on balls and can throw them. I love watching you experiment with toys and try to figure out how they work or fit together. You still adore your big sister who love to make you laugh. You can say mama and dada. You have also picked up signing milk.

*9 month stats

C's 10 Month Comparison

11 Months

Height: 28.25 inches; 47th percentile*
Weight: 17.3 pounds; 12th percentile*
Head Size: 17.75 inches; 53 percentile*
Diaper Size: Still in size 3 diapers
Clothes: Mostly 12 month stuff
Sleep: You are still taking 2 naps a day and sleep well at night, most of the time. I am still blown away by how easily you do to sleep at night.
Eating: You are still a pretty good eater, but have started to become more opinionated about what you eat.
Mommy Milestones: You are a ham and love to perform. You have started to stand on your own and have taken a few steps. You are definitely a mommy's boy and are showing signs of separation anxiety. You love to say ball and call anything that's round a ball. You can now sign all done when you are finished eating.

*9 month stats

C's 11 Month Comparison

12 Months

Height: 28.5 inches; 10th percentile
Weight: 18.6 pounds; 5th percentile
Head Size: 18.5 inches; between 50 - 75th percentile
Diaper Size: Still in size 3 diapers
Clothes: 12 month stuff and some 18 month stuff
Sleep: You are still taking 2 naps a day and sleep well at night, most of the time. I am still blown away by how easily you do to sleep at night.
Eating: You are still a pretty good eater, but have started to become more opinionated about what you eat.
Mommy Milestones: We are loving watching your personality develop. You enjoying entertaining and have the best laugh. You love to dance, but only have a few moves. You can sign more, but don't use it very often. You are rocking' the best mullet.

C's 12 Month Comparsion
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