

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

#lauraeveryday2015 Week 12

Here's another look into our week. 

Day 81
Chipotle date to celebrate our dativersay. 

Day 82
Yeah, I'm 4 months old

Day 83
Oops I missed this day. We were all sick.

Day 84
Sleeping baby

Day 85
First day at the pool

Day 86

Day 87
Saturday night with friends

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday Favorites

It's time for another edition of Friday Favorites. I'm linking up with Momfessionals for this week's post. This is another random collection of my current favorites.

I've talked about my love for Netflix before. They continue to produce stellar shows, IMO. I didn't have high hopes for one of their newest shows, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, BUT after a few episodes I was hooked. Seriously funny stuff and tons of one liners. I'm already looking forward to the next season.

Next week another show, Orphan Black returns for its 3rd season. Tatiana Maslany is amazing. I don't want to give too much away but she plays several different characters who are clones. I know it sounds little sci-fyish but it's not.

It's no secret I love CFA. From their delicious food, to their stellar staff and the activities/events they provide to their customers our SD location is top notch. The best one I've ever been to and I've been to many. What I have come to appreciate most is that we have gotten to know several of the workers and we are recognized when we come in. I always thought it would be fun to have a local place you always go to and get the usual. While this is a chain (what can I say I like chains, you know what you're going to get) this is our local place where everybody knows our name. I love everything about this company.

Everett: 4 Months

4 Months

Height: 26.5 inches; 96th percentile
Weight: 14.14 pounds; 40th percentile
Head Size: 16.25 inches; 41st percentile
Diaper Size: Size 2 and we are using cloth diapers. We are on the smallest setting, but I think we could move you up.
Clothes: 3-6 month fits best. 0-3 month pants fit best which is strange since you're tall for your age.
Sleep: Sleep is getting better. We try to put you down between 8-9 depending on when your sister goes to sleep. Most nights you are up once to feed, but you have been waking up more frequently because you are rolling. Naps are all over the place, but you sleep best when you nap in our bed.
Eating: You can usually go 4 hours during the day between feedings.
Mommy Milestones: In the last week you have started rolling all over and you are trying to scoot. You can get your legs underneath you and try to push yourself forward. You are a bubble blowing machine. You have found your feet and like putting them in your mouth. You are grabbing/reaching for things. You like to gurgle and are trying to laugh. Two dimples have emerged and they are the cutest thing. You really want to sit up but aren't ready yet. You look around for me when I'm out of your sight.

4 Month Favorites
Bumbo, Sophie, Teething Rings

C's 4 Month Comparison

Monday, March 23, 2015

Family Visit #springbreak15

Last week my family came for a visit. The last time I saw them was nine long months ago. I think that's the longest I've gone without seeing my family. Usually I have managed to see them every 6 months or so, but with being pregnant, having a 2 year old and a new baby it never worked out.

We had a great visit and I can't wait to see them again. Here are photos from days 1 and 2.

Day 1: Travel and Swimming

Airplane selfie

Waiting for the plane or baggage.



Post Swimming and cuddles

Day 2: Beach

Donut Bar, yum!


This icing is good.


Digging for gold.


First time in the ocean

Drinks with my sis.

#lauraeveryday Weeks 9-11

I've been behind on posting these, but here's what we've been up to. Can you believe that March is almost over? I can't.

Day 60
Playing in the Rain
Day 61
This girl has shopping down to an art.

Day 62

MOPS Crafts, perfect for Mother's Day

Day 63
E's thinking mommy please help me!

Day 64
Hanging out with friends

Day 65
Arm Candy

Day 66
New do

Day 67
Stop and Smell the Roses

Day 68
Mini and Me

Day 69
Dinner with Jeffrey

Day 70
Tissue Garland

Day 71
St. Patrick's Day Phototshoot

Day 72
Consignment Sale Finds

Day 73

Day 74
Drinks with my sis

Day 75
Safari Park

Day 76
Happy St. Patrick's Day

Day 77
It's hard to say goodbye

Day 78
Cheering on MIZZOU wrestling

Day 79
Park with friends

Day 80
Easter Egg Hunt

Friday, March 13, 2015

Whatever Thursday

St. Patrick's Day has held a special place in my heart for the last 12 years. David and I went on our first date to Chipotle on St. Patrick's Day. Every year since then we have eaten there on or around that date. Here's a picture of us from back then. We were babies. 

My family will be in town this year for St. Pats and I can't wait. They came 2 years ago over St. Pats and this time we'll have two little boys to add to the bunch. Here's a picture from the last visit. 

As I've said before I love taking theme photos of the kids. For the first time in forever (ha ha) C cooperated with me for these pictures. She thought the beard was hilarious and while I may have wanted a perfect smiling posed picture I'm happy with the ones I took. 

I enjoy having a mantle to decorate. I'm happy to say that I had all the decor on hand this year and took a few things from other places and repurposed them for this look. I love how the tissue garland turned out and I was able to use it as a backdrop in my photos. 

C and I have been working on a series of ChalkArt and this was our latest creation in celebration of the holiday. She doesn't enjoy these as much as I do. 

And lastly I remember growing up a little leprechaun use to leave footprints all over our house. I still don't know how my parents did it, but maybe that same leprechaun will make an appearance next week for the kids. 
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