

Monday, March 22, 2010

What Everyone's Talking About

Social Media has lit up this weekend with coverage of the passing healthcare bill. I won't claim to know what the bill includes and don't want to discuss particulars, but here's my opinion. Side bar - since moving to DC I don't pay attention to politics, not that I ever really paid attention, but I am apathetic towards it now.

Instead of focusing all efforts on creating a bill that no one really cares for (parts appease both sides enough to be passed) maybe the government should be focusing on the unemployment rate. This bill puts us further into debt and more depentend on other countries. If more people had jobs maybe they could afford healthcare. Don't get me wrong I do realize that there are plenty of industries that do not provide healthcare to workers. BUT in most of those instances, people have choosen that career path, with the exception of part time/minimum wage employees. I feel that I have a right to say this since I grew up without healtcare for the majority of my childhood. I thank God I was never seriously hurt and the few times I did go to the hospital we did have insurance. It wasn't until I accepted my first job after college that I knew I would be covered. Maybe that's insensitve but I don't think healthcare should be a right. I also don't think it should be a luxury. We shoud have a gov't plan of some sort for people who can't afford it or whose jobs don't provide it. But you would have to prove your need for it as well.

David and I will be faced with a healthcare decision soon. (No it's not baby related) He is planning to return to school this fall. We currently are enrolled in his plan through work. When he stops working the coverage also stops. This is problematic because I will most likely be out of work for awhile if we leave the area. We will then be faced with a decision - pay out of pocket for any checkups, enroll in an independent healthcare program, or pray that we don't get sick.
If we decide to enroll in a healthcare program (which we most likely will) we'll have to give up some things in order to afford it.

It's all about the choices we make.

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