

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Have you seen the new tv show Moment of Truth? I watched it for the first time this week, and cringed for the people who were on it. They ask some very personal questions. I know that I wouldn't put myself or my friends and family through that. I asked myself what would motivate someone to expose themselves on national television like that. My only answer was for fame and fortune. We see it all the time with celebrities and lets face it, they are just like us. We all have the desire to be known. It goes to show what people will do when they're in the limelight. I think it's sad, but it's a reality that will will do almost anything for fame and fortune.

Speaking of how fame and fortune can ruin lives just look at Britney Spears. I really feel sorry for the girl. No one is able to get through her. She is literary throwing her life away. She had everything going for her, and her world has crumpled around her. I'm not sure she'll make it through this next year. Her potential just wasted.

It makes me grateful that I'm not it that position, even though I sometimes wish I was.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10.2.08

    i dont think blogging everyday is working out so well for you. i'm just teasing you. i really like getting a little tidbit of your life on a regular basis.


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