

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

another lonely day

i feel as if everyone in the city has taken a break and is on slow mode. no one, was out this morning. the trains, streets, and my office are empty. it is as if hibernation is occurring. i was informed that this was a likely reaction to the holiday time, but i never imagined it this quiet. i guess if i had vacation days, i would take off too.

Christmas was good and relaxing. We slept in made breakfast and opened presents! then we lounged around most of the day watching our new big screen tv! That was a big Christmas present for us. Later we finished out the evening by going to see KONG! It was a good movie. I can't remember to much of the first one, so I can't compare it, but I do know that Kong looks more realitic in this one than the first.
yestarday was spent lounging and making some returns.

We went to a Christmas Eve Eve service at our church on Friday night and I was impacted by the way the pastor spoke about Jesus. (I maybe be mixing some of this up with a book I just finished as well.) He spoke about him in such a real way that made me realize how human he was. Another point that was made was that he didn't hang on the cross one minute longer for me than for someone else. We, I, often catergorize sins as harmless, bad, and really bad, but it doesn't matter they are all the same in God's eyes. It makes me think that those harmless sins are really ugly, because often those are the ones we comitt knowingly. So all in all, it gave me a better perspective on the need for forgivness and grace. Also, it was entertaining the way he welcomed us, by saying Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays or SEason's GReetings. I think Merry Christmas is the politically correct way to go.
My mom sent us a one year Bible, which we already have, for Christmas and I am so excited to get into. It is my goal to complete it next year, but at the same time I really want to enjoy it. REading the Bible all the way through was a life goal for me, so I will be very excited to finish it at some point.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous27.12.05

    i'm sorry that things are lonely at work, but i'm glad you enjoyed Christmas!


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