

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

So I am hear at work again, what a surprise and I am taking a much needed break. The past two days have been crazy!!!! I worked non-stop the past two days and I thought my head was going to explode. So other than that I haven't been up to too much. I did catch Memoirs of a Giesha over the weekend. Good movie and great book! We had our small group Christmas party on Sun, and that was fun. I was introduced to these delicious sweet butter rum drinks. Mmmm. As for this weekend it looks like i'll be spending it here with David, that's not a big surprise, but we had talked about going to a nearby city for a few days. I am thinking that we might go see Rumor Has It or Kong this weekend. I have almost completed my 50 books for this year. I am struggling through the last two. Well not struggling, but I haven't been as motivated to read lately. However, the library told me that Memoirs (??? something like that was come in for me, it suppossedly about the Kennedy's that died not to long ago) I think it mirrors it. Anyhow, I will let you know how it is along with posting my top books for 05. Oh, aren't you excited!!!


  1. Anonymous22.12.05

    Yes, I did see the Chronicles of Narnia movie. I thought it was excellent!

  2. Anonymous22.12.05

    have you ever heard of a book journal? it's a place where you can write the books you've read/want to read, and then record your fav. quotes and reflect on the books after you read them. i dont know if you like that kind of stuff, but i think they have them at barnes and noble. i made my own though, which was fun because you can make it reflect you. :)


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