

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


well it's that time of year again when we make resolutions of things we would like to do in the coming year that we failed to do this year. i have to say for myself though, that i have accomplished, if not exceeded some of my resolutions and for that i would like to pat myself on the back. So here's what I have come up with so far for next year.

Read 52 books, it's doable as i have read almost that many in half the time.
Run a half marathon
donate my hair to locks of love
read the bible the whole way through
finish the scrapbooks that I have started and become more organized with my crafts, plus maybe start a new hobby
become a member of the junior league
go to NYC, it's only a few hours away
my book club

now i know that these seem simple, but i think that they are attainable. sometimes i put to much pressure on myself to accomplish things, that when i don't i get down on myself

so since it's Christmas time as well, i decided to post somethings that i hope i get. I mean i have been blessed to have gotten married and to have gotten my first job, but if I would be so blessed again, these are things that I would like.

must love dogs DVD
US weekly subscription
Friends DVD wooden box for my DVD's
(I think David is getting me these)

Yoga Booty Ballet
white, white sweater
tweed capris pants (which I cannot find in my size)

Well that's all i can think of

I think magazine subscriptions are the way to go for presents because it's the gift that keeps on giving all year round.

in my small group we are exchanging gifts so I think that I am going to get her a magazine subscription to something. I just don't know what yet. Would anyone like this for a gift? I think that it is better that some lotion of a candle, right?


  1. so ambitious!

    Yes, I will be here MLK weekend. We have Leadership meeting on Monday I'm sure. How long are you guys going to be here?

  2. Anonymous7.12.05

    i'm a big fan of giving magazine subscriptions as well. i think that's a good plan! also, i'll work on my goals for 2006 as well. i'm really into that. and btw, that's really quite an amazing number of often do you read and for how long? that's a book a week!

  3. Anonymous8.12.05

    i agree that mag subs are good gifts, of course i feel pretty cool since i've already done that! the wish list is very helpful, its no good that david is already getting half the stuff on it tho! as for purchasing a mag sub for ur friend, they have these things now that you can buy that lets the giftee pick their mag. just an idea.
    i really wish you were here right now, i'm missing you tons.

  4. Anonymous8.12.05

    i've never made new year's resolutions. perhaps i will this year.

  5. Anonymous9.12.05

    i was thinking of asking for a subscription to Relevant magazine this year.

  6. Anonymous10.12.05

    hey magazines are great ideas! tiffany gave me a subscription to Pray! which is put out by NavPress.. the same people that do Discipleship Journal. Either of those magazines would be great options!


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