

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I went out to dinner recently with a friend. She has been having a rough time this year due to circumstances she's faced. We've talked briefly about God, but she's ok with where she is in life and isn't interested in Him. However, when we were talking about what she was going through she asked me something so unlike her. She asked me to pray for her about the situation. I was caught so off guard. While we had been talking, I thought about asking her if I could pray for her, but felt really awkward knowing her thoughts on the subject. My take away from the whole thing was to listen to God and his prompting even if it makes me uncomfortable. I'm hoping this will open the door for us to talk more about faith.

1 comment:

  1. i'm not a very religious person, i'm sure you would assume. but, i encourage you to talk about your faith, especially to those who seemingly don't have any. i always find it helpful and inspiring to hear from my friends who are faithful, so long as its not pushy or judgmental (which, i'm pretty sure you are incapable of being).


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