

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Whatever Wednesday

I cannot believe that Memorial Day is next Monday and that it's almost June. Seriously, where has this year gone?

We are leaving on a jet plane back to MO for almost 2 weeks next Tuesday. To say I'm excited would be an understatement. It will probably be our last trip while C can fly free. BUMMER. Flights from SD are ridiculously expensive. I used to get cheap deals on Frontier, but since they have gone the way of Spirit airlines, I won't be flying them anymore. A $125 flight now costs me $160. Since C is older now, I bought her a backpack for the trip and I plan to fill it with toys, goodies and other stuff to keep her entertained. I'm hoping it works. She's been carrying around the backpack all week. I have a feeling that I will end of carrying it while we are traveling. I've been collecting things to fill it with over the past few months.

A few weeks ago at our MOPS meeting, one of our members spoke on the importance of Play. For me at this age, this is really hard. C doesn't focus on one thing, is still learning to play with other, etc. To say I get bored would be an understatement. I feel like a terrible mother for saying this, but it's the truth. However, I have found that when I have sat down with her to color, paint or play play dough she is more likely to stay focused on the task and is better behaved. After hearing Christine speak I was challenged to intentionally play with C for 15 minutes several times a week. At this age, I may not see anything revealed during our time of play, but I'm hoping that it will start a habit that I think is really important as she grows up. We purchased play sand today to add to a sand tub that we will use during this time. It's portable so we can take it with us to a friend's house if needed. Now I'm on the hunt for cheap toys to add to it. I really want to find those pink army guys we played with. I'd love to hear other ideas on how moms play with their toddlers.

Since summer is around the corner we are creating a bucket list of activities to do. I'm excited to take advantage of FREE things in SD. I haven't written them on my clothespins because I'm so indecisive and I want to accomplish them if I write them down. Here's a list of ideas so far in no particular order.

1. Weekend trip to Catalina
2. Splashpad
3. Strawberry Picking
4. Sea World
5. Beach Day
6. Take a day trip up the coast on the Coaster
7. Disneyland
8. Camping
9. Go to the racetrack
10. Zoo/Safari Park
11. Sea World
12. Outdoor Movie in the Park
13. See fireworks
14. Poway train depot
15. Eat at a food truck
16. Go see the Cardinals play at Dodgers Stadium
17. Blake Shelton Concert

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