

Thursday, May 22, 2014

20-21 Months

20-21 Months

Height: 31 inches; 25th percentile*
Weight: 20 lbs. 3oz.; 5th percentile*
Head Size: 18.27 inches; 51st percentile*
Teeth: 12 (6 on top, 6 on bottom), still waiting on those pesky other teeth
Foods: We have been struggling with foods the past few months. We have been on an eating strike. 
Words: So many I haven't been able to keep up. You have started putting 2 words together and are talking more clearly. 
Mommy's Milestones: You will try and climb anything, including walls, chairs and furniture. You are very social and like playing with older kids. You love to dance, jump and fall down. We went through a period of sleep regression, but thankfully it only lasted a week. You love the water, sand and rocks so we might have a tomboy on our hands. You can count to three. You know lots of animal sounds. We are still working on colors, but I know that will come. 

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome about counting! E recognizes the numbers, but doesn't get the ordering thing yet :)


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