

Monday, January 07, 2013

5 Months Old

Another month has gone by and you continue to grow and amaze me with how much you change.

5 Months Old

Height: 24 inches long; 50th percentile*
Weight: 12 lbs. 9 oz.; 15th percentile*
Head Size: 16 inches; 50th percentile*
Diaper Size: Cloth diapers, smallest size
Clothes: Some 0-3 month clothes, but mainly 3-6 month clothes.
Sleep: You are still going to bed around 8:00 pm, but you put up a fight most nights. After 10-15 minutes you normally fall asleep. You are sleeping through the night and waking around 8:30 am.
Eating: You still eat every 2-3 hours. We have introduced rice cereal and some veggies and fruit. You aren't too impressed yet so we are gradually introducing them.
Mommies Milestones: You are a rolling machine and have started scooting around. I thought you might be crawling by now, but you're content to roll to get what you want. You have figured out that if you pull your blanket towards you, your toys will also come. You can now hold your bottle upright by yourself, YES! When you see your bottle coming you start reaching for it and kick your legs. It's so cute. You can blow bubbles and have starting spitting, but daddy thinks your making farting sounds. She's already tuning us out. She use to turn toward us when we said her name, but now she ignores us. She can almost sit up by herself. You have a fascination with your feet. You know how to take your socks off in order to suck on your toes. You have started to reach out your arms when you want to be picked up. And last, but not least you like to "make out" with your toy mirror. It's really cute and disturbing.

*Same as 4 month stats

I don't have a list of 5 month favorites this month as we were busy with the holidays and all the new toys, so I decided to post a list of cold/teething must haves since we are in that stage. These are recommendations of things to have on hand. Most of these items we purchased in the midst of fighting off the first cold. We were even those FTP that took their daughter to the pediatrician when her fever was over 102.

Here's my list of cold/teething remedies.

1. Nosefrida or some type of aspirator. 
2. Children's Tylenol
4. Baby Vicks
5. Humidifier

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