

Sunday, August 04, 2013

11 Months

11 Months

Height: 26.75 inches long; Between 10-25th percentile*
Weight: 16 lbs. 1.5 oz.; 5th percentile
Head Size: 17.25 inches; Between 25-50th percentile*
Diaper Size: Cloth diapers, Lengthwise second to smallest size, still size 2 in disposables
Clothes: You are still on the petite size. Anything from 6-12 months fits and that's fine with me as we are getting more wear out of your clothes. You can also wear some 12-18 month shirts. You love wearing your cousin's skinny jeans. 
Sleep: I seriously feel like the luckiest momma when it comes to your sleeping. You are still an awesome sleeper, going to bed around 8:00 pm and sleeping through the night. When we are home you take a 1-2 hour nap in the morning and another 1-2 hour in the afternoon. 
Eating: We haven't tried a ton of new foods this month but we have tried carrots, potatoes and tomatoes. You still like most foods and are back to eating broccoli and blueberries. 
Mommies Milestones: You have been very active this month. You can stand on your own for several minutes. You have taken a few steps, but aren't overly excited about walking independently. You can turn around on your butt. You are starting to enjoy being read to. You are into everything and love emptying drawers. You love to say uh-oh, and we have heard yes, ok and bye. 

You got very sick this month with a urinary tract infection and had to have blood drawn and a catheter. It was very painful for both you and mommy. 

10-11 Month Favorites

1. Inglesina Umbrella Stroller - I really love this stroller. It has a large canopy top, decent size basket and it reclines. We purchased the chair table a few months ago and loved it so we decided to buy the stroller. It's been great for traveling. 
2. Fischer Price Activity Table - Charlotte played with this table at a friend's house and really enjoyed it. I hoped it would help her become more confident about standing on her own and I think it has.
3. Snack Containers - I love this snack container. The snacks stay in the bowl and there is a lid for storing. 
4. Bubbles - These bubbles are by far the best bubbles. Added bonus, your hands don't get sticky from the bubbles if don't right. 
5. Fischer Price Laugh and Learn House - This is another toy that Charlotte played with at her cousin's house and loved it. 
6. Britax Stroller Organizer - This is a nice addition to the stroller for keeping my keys, phone and drinks. 
7. Knobby Ball - Charlotte is obsessed with balls. She love them all. These are great because they come it different sizes and colors and are easy to pick up. She can also throw them. They are great for dads too. 

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