

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Whatever Wednesday

I started this post yesterday and I'm just getting around to finishing it.

I'm finally relinquishing my control to keep my daughter neat and tidy while we are out. IT'S. JUST.TOO.DIFFICULT.ANYMORE. This may surprise some of you, but I can't stand for C's outfits to have stains on them. I doubt there is anyone else out there like me. ;) For awhile I only brought food with me that I knew wouldn't stain. Now you may be wondering why I didn't just use a bib. I wish it was that easy, but somehow the bibs made her more messy. I'm starting to embrace her getting dirty and just going with it. She seems to enjoy it.

I've also decided that I'm never going to have a clean house. I can try my best to tidy up, but I'm never going to have the place that is always clean and ready for guests. I will always have to do some last minute cleaning and hiding of things when people come over and I'm ok with that.

Oh and am I the last person to know that Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx are dating???


  1. I was the same way Laura. If H got anything on her clothes I would instantly take it off and soak it. I had "going outside of the house clothes aka cute clothes" and "I really don't care about this outfit clothes" ha! Just wait until she turns 3 and you find her rolling around in the dirt in her Matilda Jane dress. I seriously wanted to cry but then I thought...oh well she's having fun.

    I'm with you on the clean house. I've decided I'll have a clean house when H is grown and out of the house!

    I didn't know about Katie and Jamie either.

    1. I really love the cute clothes I find for her, but I almost don't want her to wear them because I don't want to get them stained. I started buying her "playtime" clothes that I don't care if they get dirty. It's still hard because I want them to be clean too. :)


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