

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Whatever Thursday

Has anyone noticed that stores are already crowded and it's not even Black Friday yet? Getting a parking space is challenging enough these days, at least for a pregnant lady with a toddler,  throw in extra shoppers and it's a nightmare. Yes, it's my choice to go out and I do love the challenge and excitement that goes along with shopping. Plus I am trying to soak up these last few days where it's just me and my girl and shopping is still somewhat pleasant.

My To-Do list before the baby comes gets longer by the day. Here are a few things on my list.

1. Wash bottles and pump parts (hopefully we won't need them right away)
2. Clean and install car seat
3. Mail about 10 different things
4. Finish sewing projects
5. Decorate for Christmas
6. Start wrapping Christmas presents
7. Finish cleaning out C's closet.
8. Stain wooden crate for newborn photos.

I feel like there is a 100 more things to add to the list, but pregnancy brain is taking over.

We have been very blessed with the community we have built here in SD. One of my very dear friends threw us a "sprinkle" and yesterday my MOPS group showered me and another expecting mom with food, a card and prayers for our family. Living away from family, especially when expecting, is difficult but God has greatly blessed us here. A big thank you to everyone who has sent us gifts, hand me downs and diapers. I hope to be able to do the same once we are done having kids.

We were at the library today and there was this girl who kept trying to take the toys C was planning with. There was some screaming, but C usually gave up the toy, with my prompting to the other child. I've noticed lately that we keep running into the same "bullies" at Chick-fil-a and the library and they are always girls. I hate to call them bullies, since I know they are just being kids, but it does make me mad that many times their parents don't seem to care or correct their kids. I try not to make a big deal about it, and just emphasize that we need to take turns and share. C has been pushed a few times and she usually laughs it off, but in those instances I do talk to the child and tell them it's not nice to push others.

I know sharing does not come easily to a 2 year old, but we are doing our best to teach C to share and take turns especially with D-Day quickly approaching. She says that she will share with baby brother but we will see how that goes.

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