

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Halloween Recap

I have been looking forward to this Halloween for almost a year now since that's when I purchased C's costume. I think stuffed owls are adorable and knew C would too. Well at least she came around to loving it. We first tried on her costume several weeks before Halloween and she wanted nothing to do with it. Mommy FAIL. From that point on we practiced trick-or-treating. Almost every morning leading up to Halloween C would follow me into the bathroom and close the door where the "throne" is located. Thinking this was the perfect opportunity to practice knocking and saying trick-or-treat I would knock on the door, after she shut it, open it and say trick-or-treat. What I received in return was a few giggles and the door being promptly shut in my face. Repeat. I have to say, I do think this helped as we went trick-or-treating and it was very cute.

After our annual Pumpkin Patch trips, you can read about those here and here, we needed to decorate our pumpkin. This year I figured paint was the easiest and most fun for C. She thoroughly enjoyed it!

Can I eat this?
Artist hard at work
I think she had almost as much paint on herself as the pumpkin.
In preparation for Halloween we went to two other trick-or-treating events. One at a shopping center, C was not in a good mood that day, and daddy's work.
Getting ready to the office trick-or-treatin party. 

And now onto Halloween. C didn't actually say trick-or-treat when we were out, but we got her say it several times before we left. It sounded more like tick o teat but still cute. We met up with friends and trick-or-treated around their neighborhood with their 2 year old and newborn. The girls were troopers and came back with lots of candy. The girls only had a piece or two of candy but were bouncing off the stairs later that night. They spent about an hour going up and down the stairs and laughing. I guess I can say she mastered going up the stairs that night.

The Owl and Cinderella. 

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! Eliana would have eaten all that paint for sure!


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