

Monday, March 26, 2012

The not so great weekend

On Thursday afternoon, while I was still at work, I started to feel pain in my middle/lower back on my right side. I figured it was some minor muscle pain that would go away and attributed it to recent travels and lack of sleep. Well by 6:00 that night the pain had increased so I took some tylenol, put a heat patch on my side and took a nap. I woke up to more pain several hours later and decide to call my doctor to see if they had any recommendations. I had a kidney infection 10 years ago and the pain felt relatively similiar which led me to believe that this is could be what I was experiencing. The on-call doctor questioned me for awhile about my symptoms, I think she thought I was exaggerating my pain. I was really worried about the baby, but the doctors said that this shouldn't effect the baby. That's the real reason I wanted to make sure everything was ok.

I decide to go to the ER and see if they could figure anything out. About 2 hours after being admitted I finally got results and pain medicine. By know I had thrown up multiple times due to the pain and the pain had increased to a 10. The doctor diagnosed my with kidney stones and admitted me for the night. I didn't get any relief until the middle of the night and it wasn't much.

Every time I needed pain medicine the nurses had to call the doctor to get permission to admintister the medicine. In the morning I went 5 hours without any pain medicine and it was 5 of the worst hours of my life. I went in for a sonogram of kidneys and they poked and prodded my sides for almost an hour and a half. It was torturous. Not to mention I was feeling nauseous the whole time.

When they finally took me back to my room and gave me pain medicine I felt like a new person. The urologist came in to see me a few hours later and told me they still felt like I had a kidney stones but weren't able to see any. My right urethrea was enlarged and my kindey wasn't draining properly, so they planned to keep my overnight. Saturday morning I saw my OBGYN (who just happened to be on call) and he told me he thought I could go home later that night. I slept most of the day on Saturday a waiting word on my discharge. As it would happen my white blood cell count went up and they didn't want to send me home. So I spent another night in the hospital watching the Elite 8 games. Sunday morning brought more confusion. I was told I could go home, then that I would need a stint put in, etc. Finally the OBGYN gave me the go ahead to leave, but I started having increased pain in my back.

What frustrated me the most was when they gave the discharge order, I had a hard time getting a nurse to help me when I was really in pain. They basically wrote me off before I left. I hope that isn't an omen for what it will be like when I deliver there.

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