

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

hodge podge

so i know that i have really been slacking on the post recently, but nothing exciting and worthwhile have been worthy of posting. but here goes some random thoughts.

this week has been amazing, weather wise. low 70's and high 60's, fall has finally made it's return. i thought we were going to skip right over fall this season. it was like 40's -50's for two weeks. i held strong though and didn't use the heater, but we do have a small portable one that came out to play. it even made me blow a fuse one morning while i was preparing for work. but, my electrician skills saved me.
i get to wear skirts againg, becuase of the beautiful weather. if you didn't know, that is one of my favorite items this year, along with the gaucho pants that are really comfortable. one the topic of clothes i have a new favorite item of fall, except I can't find my size and they look a little silly on me. they are the tweed capris that i really want, the ones that you wear with boots. oh yeah you know they are cute.

about work...on mon. we had a halloween contest and party and guess who won, that's right me!!! home-made costumes are the best. i was the queen of hearts. i'll try to post a picture. also work related news i think i am winning or at least my team is winning this knowledgenet contest. it's a web server that we have that contains documents that might be helpful to other associations. it's kinda cool, and we earn points that can be used for airfare and other stuff. oh, I have so much work to do.

so here's my last set of thoughts. i was reading this book and it was talking about guidance and how sometimes we don't want to be under authority because it makes us uncomfortable. well here is another way of looking at it. god let's you and i dance, then we will be more willing to go under his guidance. my other thing is i have been working on praying. at times it has been a strong suit, and then for a while it fell by the wayside. sometimes i feel that if i am not where i want to be spiritually, then there is no reason to pray. but i am learning more about prayer. i know it is a powerful tool, but for me it takes a lot of effort. but i am proud to say that for the past month and a half, i have been consistent in praying as i walk to work. i didn't think that it was good enough, because most days that's the all time i would spend with God. however, a friend pointed out to me that since that was an area that i was struggling with, just maybe God was using that as my quiet time and teaching me how to pray more effectively. it's like second nature now. i think we forget sometimes that our quiet time isn't a set of rituals that someone has set up for us, but it is a moving of the spirit.

well that's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2.11.05

    finally! and it was a magnificant post! congrats on the contest. you always do halloween right. i love you too, babe. and i am missing you even more


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