

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Thoughts on Motherhood

With Mother's Day right around the corner I wanted to share a few thoughts on motherhood. With the arrival of our third quickly approaching, I'm realizing how sacred, unprepared and excited I am. I know things are about to change AGAIN.

First, motherhood is hard. I would venture to say it's the hardest job out there. You're responsible for raising little humans, teaching them basics - letters, numbers, colors, shapes etc. to building respect, caring for others and learning empathy and humility. It's not for the faint of heart. There are many days when I am physically, mentally and emotionally worn out before the end of the day. Some days are filled with tears from both me and the kids (we don't have too many of those days, but they do happen.) There are also so many joys that accompany motherhood. Watching your baby smile at you for the first time, the hugs and "i love yous" to name a few.

Motherhood has become some what of sport over the years. With the presence of social media everything is documented the good and the bad. There have been times, when I've had to take a break from social media in order to allow myself to make mistakes and not feel like a total failure. Most of us post only the good stuff because it's embarrassing to share our failures. We silently judge each other intentionally or unintentionally. The worst part is we are forcing our kids to grow up faster these days and put undue pressure on our toddlers. Instead of letting them play and use their imaginations we have them scheduled from the time they wake up until bedtime. I lose my temper all.the.time, but I try and make sure they know they are loved at the end of the day.

I feel like I have been through both extremes. It can drive you crazy. I love to decorate and plan parties etc, but I have found myself worrying more how I'm pulling off the party instead of enjoying it. So, over the past year I've tried to live more in the moment and not document everything. It's been freeing. I still enjoy taking pics of my kids and want to have cute shots, but I'm enjoying the not so perfect ones too. I also love to decorate the house for holidays but I realize life will still go on if that one project doesn't get finished. Plus my kids (and husband) could care less.

I am constantly in awe of how my mom did motherhood without the technology we have today. She had to be creative with her days and how to keep us entertained. We did have a tv but no cable, so that left us with PBS as really the only station with children's programming. I remember my mom always planning fun activities to engage us and Pinterest didn't even exist. Looking back I realize how much she sacrificed for us - time, sleep and her own interests. That's definitely something I took for granted until I had my own kids. It's something I hope to do with my own kids, but rarely find the time.

This Mother's Day I think we should cut each other some slack. We are all trying our best to survive and create the best childhoods we can. With that said here are a few ideas to spoil all the moms out there.

Bourbon and Boweties Bracelet
Bourbon and Boweties Necklace
Bourbon and Boweties Pearl Bracelet
Tory Birch Sandals
Nars Illuminator
Gold Boyfriend Watch
Crossbody Bag

I hope all the moms out there feel spoiled and loved on Sunday, no matter what they do.

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