

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

San Diego

When we first relocated back to the Midwest we purchased tickets back to SD for the middle of January. I thought we had scheduled our trip for the weekend of MLK Day so imagine my surprise when I received an email informing me about my upcoming flight which happened to be the next day. We had planned a visit the weekend before MLK day because it was less expensive and we had completely forgotten the dates. After some texting to see if my friends would be available for us to stay the next day we decided to go ahead and go. 

Charlotte had been asking to see her friends for a couple weeks and was excited it was finally time for our trip. We decided to leave E at home and I'm so glad we did. It was so much easier flying with one kid and not needing to lug around a stroller or carrier. 

Making herself comfortable while waiting to board the plane. 

Enjoying some inflight entertainment. 

We of course would have loved to see all of our friends. But time and notice prevented us from doing all our favorite SD things. We were able to catch up with our Friday MOMs group and hang out all day. C had a blast playing with everyone and I loved catching up all my friends too.

On Saturday we visited our favorite donut place and Farmers Market. 

That night we went to Chuck E Cheeses to celebrate birthdays! It was packed. I don't know what I was thinking when I suggested we go on a Saturday night. The pizza took over an hour to arrive, but the kids had a blast playing the games and riding the rides.

Sunday was a lazy day that we spent relaxing and hanging out. She is attempting to make a rainbow loom bracelet. 

This girl and I are 20 weeks and due on the same day in May. How crazy is that! It's hard being away from her especially during this exciting time. 

We had so much fun and it was hard to leave, but we know that we have made lifelong friends. This trip came at a great time and left us both feeling refreshed. We are looking forward to our next trip to SoCal. 


  1. Ahhh! Congratulations on #3!!! Hopefully a St. Louis meet-up works out for us one of these times.

  2. Congratulations on Baby #3!


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