

Monday, June 17, 2013

9 Months

9 Months

Height: 26.75 inches long; Between 10-25th percentile
Weight: 15 lbs. 5 oz.; 5th percentile 
Head Size: 17.25 inches; Between 25-50th percentile
Diaper Size: Cloth diapers, Lengthwise second to smallest size, still size 2 in disposables
Clothes: Same as last month - mostly 6-9 month clothes, but anything from 6-12 months can fit. Even several of your 3-6 month dresses work as shirts now. 
Sleep: You are still an awesome sleeper, going to bed around 8:00 pm and sleeping through the night. When we are home you take a 1-2 hour nap in the morning and another 1-2 hour in the afternoon. 
Eating: You are still drinking milk anywhere from 4-5 times a day and usually around 5-6 oz. You eat dinner every night and lunch most days. Although lunch usually just consists of puffs. You still are a great eater. You've gotten better at eating thicker "baby food" but you aren't much of a fan. Foods you've tried this month are applesauce, strawberries, bread, yogurt and yogurt drops. 
Mommies Milestones: You are continuing to strengthen the skills you've learned over the past few months. You are a cruising machine. You enjoy banging the doors of the entertainment center and opening the cabinet doors in the bathroom. You went to your first Padres game. You love to follow mommy around the house. You survived your first sickness while grandma was in town. We didn't make it to swim lessons this month. You are still love going to MOPS and playing with the big kids. You played in the sand for the first time and loved it! You have started to say da da da. You signed milk and more for the first time. You don't like to cuddle so mommy and Charlotte naps are over. You are becoming such a big girl. 

Beach Essentials

In preparation for the upcoming beach season, I've put together a few items that will be in our beach bag this year. Most of these items could be used for the pool too. Baby powder is key for getting sand off wet babies. I wasn't sure it would work but it does. Sunscreen is a no brainer, along with a cover-up, hat and sunglasses. A tent for the baby to sleep in and keep cool from the sun along with a blanket to sit and lay on, plus sand toys to keep them occupied for at least 10 minutes. And last but not least is a great beach bag. I love the one from 31 because it doesn't collapse.

Any key summer items I'm forgetting?

1 comment:

  1. Someone mentioned a big tent-like thing or a baby bath tub to play in :)


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