

Monday, February 18, 2013

6 Month Favorites

6 Months Old

Height: 25.5 inches long; Between 25th - 50th percentile
Weight: 13 lbs. 14 oz.; 5th percentile
Head Size: 16.5 inches; 25th percentile
Diaper Size: Cloth diapers, second to smallest size
Clothes: Mostly 3-6 month clothes and a few 0-3 month shirts.
Sleep: You are still an awesome sleeper, going to bed around 8:00 and sleeping through the night. When you were sick you were waking up once a night and would cuddle with mommy to fall back to sleep. 
Eating: You are still eating every 2-3 hours, but I am increasing your milk intake and we are stretching out your feeding times. We are feeding you baby foods once a day every other day, but will start feeding you at least once a day now that you are 6 months old. 
Mommies Milestones: You are really mobile now - army crawling and sitting up in addition to the rolling and scooting. You can sit unassisted for several minutes, but haven't mastered how to sit up on your own. You love eating and get really excited when you see food. You have figured out how to take off the cup holder on your stroller and you now like to sit up while in your car seat attached to the stroller. I think it's time to change out the stroller seat. I am prolonging this as long as possible because I enjoy looking down on your when we go for walks. You have FINALLY started giggling. It melts my heart every time and I am constantly making a fool of myself in order to hear that sweet sound. You went through a brief period of rejecting your paci, but we put it in the freezer and you love it. You HATE Target bathrooms, mainly because of the hand dryers. AND you love paper. You have also pulled yourself up on your activity cube twice. 

6 Month Favorites

1. Cups - You LOVE cups. I don't know why but you love to chew on them. And it doesn't matter what kind of cup it is. Lately you have been trying to pull cups out of the cup holder on your stroller.  See video below of her excitement. 
2. Chewbeads - I love these necklaces. Not only are the fashionable but they are "safe" for baby with the appropriate adult supervision of course. I have several of them and I recently discovered that Michaels sells similiar beads so of course I had to make one for myself. 
3. Sophie the Giraffe - Just about every baby these days has a Sophie. It's a great toy for teething. We also have Sophie's friend the "alien" as we call it. 
4. Boogie Wipes - We had previously stocked up while at Sams on these, but hadn't had a chance to use them yet. They have come in very handy lately since C's nose had been running. 
5. Stackable Toy - Any stacking toy will do, but I really like the LAMAZE one we have. It's not the one pictured here. Ours is a few years old and rotates while playing music. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love the updates :) I bet she is going to be a skinny Minnie fashionista like her mommy...but in all fairness, I think you should deduct a few ounces from her weight because her hair shouldn't count ;) Ha!!!!


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