

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1 Month

Charlotte I can't believe you are already 1 month old, or 6 weeks as of this post (that was when I originally started it and you are now 11 weeks old.)

1 Month Stats

Height: 23 inches long; 90th percentile
Weight: 9 lbs. 9 oz.; b/w 25th & 50th percentile
Head Size: 15.4 inches; b/w 75th & 90th percentile
Diaper Size: Newborn, but we are transitioning to size 1.
Clothes: You are wearing your newborn clothes and some 0-3 month clothes.
Sleep: You sleep for 2-4 hour stretches at night, but you've been sleeping longer recently.
Eating: You eat ever 2-3 hours. It was a rough go at first but you've been gaining weight steadily.
Mommies Milestones: You are getting good at holding your head up. You rolled onto your side almost immediately. You are starting to hold onto things. You love sleeping on mommy's chest and mommy loves it too. You started smiling when you sleep.

1 Month Favorites

I thought I would share some of my favorite things that have been helpful with Charlotte during her first month. I got the idea from another blogger I've recently started following. I first found her on Pinterest because of her maternity photos. 

1. Moby Wrap - This has been a great addition to our baby stuff because Charlotte fits snuggly into it and I can walk around while keeping her close. 
2. Mombo - Great for breastfeeding. This one has a vibrating function, but we rarely use it. If I was going to recommend a breastfeeding pillow to anyone I would recommend My Breastfriend. I used it at a lactation consultant's office and I appreciated the back support it offered. 
3. Lansinoh breast milk bags - These are great for freezing excess breast milk. 
4. Boon Grass - This has been a terrific for drying breast pump parts and bottles. Highly recommend it and the fun flower and twigs that go with it.
5. WubbaNub - C loves her monkey. The wubbanub is supposed to help the pacifier stay in better. 
6. SwaddleMe - Another favorite to help C sleep at night and keep her toasty. It beats trying to swaddle her the old fashion way. 

What are your favorites??

1 comment:

  1. The Halo Sleep Sack. And the swing, oh my gosh, the swing can be a life saver :)

    I bet at least two pounds of her is her hair...


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