

Friday, September 30, 2005


i have been reading everyone's enteries about the cooler weather and about being able to wear sweatshirts and jeans, and i must admit that i have been a bit jealous. but today is college day and we got to wear college shirts and jeans!!! now, i was really hoping that it would be cold today, because i wanted to wear a sweatshirt, i have so many. see the thing is, that i really don't have any mizzou t-shirts, shocking i know, but they are all from homecomings, and i don't think they count, but it was cool and therefore my sweatshirt got some use. i love it, and i do miss the days of waking up and leaving without getting ready. so, maybe i am not as jealous anymore. we are also having pizza for lunch, company sponsored. since i am speaking of college days, i find it very entertaining that i have made friends with two girls: jen and becca, they work together on some projects and have befriended me. it's one of life's little treaures.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1.10.05

    i bet there are jen and becca combinations in every corner of america. yesss.

    glad to hear that things are going well in D.C!


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