

Monday, February 20, 2012


It seems like everyone and their mother is on Pinterest now. If you haven't joined head over their now and sign up, go on DO IT!

I have to say I'm pinhard. I rarely pin new things on Pinterest, because they are so many things just waiting to be re-pinned from the site. Also, for some reason, I've had trouble adding the Pin button to my mac and iPAD. Any other Mac users out there that have figured this out?

The purpose of this post was to inform all my faithful readers of something I recently pinned. I'm a "collector" of race memorabila. I run races for the t-shirts and medals, yes I'm that girl. I have saved all my t-shirts, bib numbers and medals from the races I've participated in. Ok, in all honesty there may be a handful of 5K bibs that have been tossed along the way. Anyway I came across this article yestarday on ideas on what to do with your old race stuff. If you're interested in the suggestions they had read the article here.

I'd thought of some tips before, but the one I was intrigued by the most was turning your bib numbers into coasters. I found someone's Etsy site who will turn those old bibs into coasters and thought to myself, now I think I could do that. I also think it would be cool to turn them into trivets or re-purpose serving trays with them. I know it may seem tacky, but for someone who is as sentimental as I am, this is the perfect solution to declutter some of my stuff.

Eventully when we move and decorate for Christmas again, I plan on turning my medals into Christmas tree ornaments.

What do you do with your race memorabila?

1 comment:

  1. I just figured out what I'm going to do with my bibs - make a book. I'll do one of those that you order online for pictures bc I usually have at least ONE picture from each event. So, one page will be pictures and the opposite side I'll leave blank and put my bib in. I saw it on a blog the other day and am excited to do it myself!

    And I love the tree decoration idea for medals. Mine are currently hanging on a metal thing shaped like a bike with hooks for keys. It's a fun reminder of some of the races I'm most proud of:)


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