

Monday, August 18, 2008

I Love the Olympics

The Summer Olympics are my favorite Olympics. I love watching women's gymnastics and swimming. The US athletes were phenomenal especially in these two events. I have DVRed the Olympics every night. Props to Michael Phelps for his outstanding performances and kudos to his teammates for helping him make history. This picture is available to you compliments of a friend's page.
Since he is coming back to the East Coast after the Olympics, I may just take a road trip up to Baltimore! I know he mentioned taking in a Raven's game.

My other favorite athlete of the games is Nastia Liukin. She has been fabulous! I know everyone expected Shawn Johnson to win, but I really wanted Nastia to win the gold. This is most likely her first/last Olympics. She's really cute too. I am so proud of the US gymnasts. They still have a chance to win more medals. Before the individual competition last week, I gave a speech at our Toastmasters meeting. I spoke on the history of gymnastics, the US Olympic team history and the apparatuses themselves. It was a very energetic speech. I even began and ended with saluting everyone. I know, sometimes I'm over the top. Here's another great picture from the gymnastics events.

The only thing I have been disappointed in at this years Olympics is the US's track and field performance. We still have a week to pick things up.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous18.8.08

    i was totally on team shawn...haha! but i'm just glad an american took the all round gold so good for nastia! but i want shawn to walk away w/ gold on the beam. i think she was robbed on floor. i'm definitely feelin the olympics too. but i get sucked into all the weird stuff like badminton and rowing!


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