

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Pay It Forward

Last week at church our pastor asked everyone to take a dollar from the offering plate. He spoke about how everyone has the opportunity to do something great with as little as $1. He and his wife donated the $1 bills to inspire the church body to think about how far $1 can go. I have to admit, it was very intimidating. I felt a huge weight of responsibility as I took my $1. All throughout the morning I thought about how I could make my $1 go as far as I could. Several things ran through my mind, matching the $1, so I would have $2, pooling the money with our class so we would have a bigger pot to use, or pooling the money and matching the pot. I still wasn't sure where the money would go or how we could use it, but I'e been thinking about it all week.

Several people made suggestions today in our class and we are voting on the choices next week. One idea was to buy water and hand out on the National Mall with a note about where the water came from. The idea was that the Pay it Forward idea would continue. Another idea was buying supplies for a missionary family or use it to help send kids to camp. I really like the water idea, but I don't think it has the majority vote. David and I will be back home when the money will most likely be spent. We'll have to wait and see what happens.


  1. Anonymous9.7.08

    you always did take those church challenges to heart.

    i seriously cannot wait to see you!

  2. this is a great idea concept. i shall pass it on like a good little blogger:)


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