

Monday, June 05, 2006

Orange you gonna peel today.

Hey all I have had the most amazing week! Well actually weekend/part of last week. Memorial Day weekend was a great way to kick off the summer, even though I don't get a summer break anymore. Nathan and Ashley came up to visit us over Memorial Day. I had to work on Fri., but after that we went to the International Spy Museum. I have to say it was pretty cool, but I the special "Hollywood" exhibit sucked. It was in one of the smallest rooms and there wasn't mucher spy wear. Although, Carrie they did highlight Alias, which made me think of you. After an evening out on the town, we came back to our place and played a few rousing rounds of Settlers. This is an awesome game, if you have never played, and it can tear relationships apart.

Sat. we ventured out to Hershey, PA and went to the World of Chocolate. Again slightly a let down, but we did get free chocolate. I wish my parents had the money to take me to these places when I was younger. That night, we had a personal tour of the White House!!! We only got to see the West Wing, the press center, and basement. It was pretty awesome! We saw the Rose Garden and the place where the President sleeps. After the tour we went down to Old Town, for some grub, and were ambushed by the Rolling Thunder crowd. For those of you who don't know what Rolling Thunder is, it is basically a parade of harleys through Virginia and DC in honor of the War Veterans. It's huge!

Sun. we went to Kings Dominion. It's supposed to be the nicest amusement park outside of Busch Gardens. I really had a bad experience. Not only did I only get to ride 5 rides, but there were line cutters in almost every ride. Now at Six Flags, people don't do that. It was really hot and I actually got sick and had to rest in the first aid office. I think in my old age, I am starting to develop symptoms of illnesses. Carrie, again this reminded me of a time when we were at Six Flags getting to ride the Boss.

Fastforward to Mon. We tried to see the President's speech at Arlington Semetery, but we were too late. We did see the motor cade come through. We also ventured to Mt. Vernon, for last minute sightseeing. Mon. night Kelly came to visit and it was great to catch up.

Tues. we went down to Virginia Beach, where my white self became a lobster. We were even under the umbrella for about half of the time. Needless to say the ride back and next few days were extremely painfully. I was so sunburned, that I had to take the next day off. It was nice because I was able to spend more time with Kelly. We just lounged around all day in our panties. J/K

The rest of the week was all right, except for my constant peeling. It's really gross, but because of it I have come up with a new invention. I am going to make a lint roller into a peeling glove. It's a fabulous idea a know.


  1. Anonymous7.6.06

    great to see you post again! thanks for updating :). i feel you about the sunburn. I got a really bad one on Memorial Day and am definitely still peeling from it. haha. sounds like a great weekend!!

  2. Thanks so much for having me. I had a delightful time!!!!!! ;)

  3. Anonymous20.6.06

    sorry, i havent been checking so often lately. but that invention sounds really grody! i have a mental pic of it now and its freakin me out. i wish i remembered the bad boss experience, although maybe its for the best that i dont. i feel very honored to have received 2 mentions in this post!


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