

Thursday, October 06, 2005

random thoughts

yestarday, my co-worker informed me of a different route on the metro, which it technically should cut off five stops for me. i was flabergasted. why hadn't anyone told me this before. i decided to give it try and see me much faster it would be. the problem was that i had to find it first. since i only know how to get from my stop and one other stop in the area that i work, it was going to be a challenge. i tried to mapquest it, but as we all know it doesn't give the quickest way, but i wanted to give it a try. i started out following the map, but i second guessed it, and went a slightly different way. it was only supposed to be a half mile walk, but i think i made it a bit longer. i did find it though, i should have realized sooner to just follow the people and they would lead me in the right direction. but, when i got there, they were having train trouble. to many people or something, so after like 10 minutes of them trying to get the doors closed they made everyone get off. this proceeded to make me angry because i could wait for the next train, that was too come in like 2 minutes, but had to wait because of this stupid train which delayed that train, so other people should be able to as well. especially since they kept making announcements about the trouble, but people kept piling on the overcrowded train. so anyway they had the train leave with no passengers and we waited for the next train to come. this morning i decided to try this stop going to work. i was a bit nervous, because i wanted to find the quicker route, but was unsure where it was. thankfully i found it. i'm not sure which stop i will use from now on. this new one is much quicker, but on the original i have more time to read. what's a girl to do.

this was supposed to be an entirely different post. actually what i was going to talk about was my small group. we had a good meeting this week talking about what our goal for the group was besides making friends. after sharing i concluded that what most people were afraid of was sharing with those people that they loved. so, i suggested that within the next year, we plan a time when we can go out witnessing to others. i shared with them things that i had learned through my experiences with the BSU and suggested that we start to diligently prayer for those who were on our minds, and that God would grant us courage to talk to them. i think another great way to approach this is to do some prayer walking. what i am most excited about is possibly starting a book club. at first it was going to be our bible study girls, but i realized that a) there's only a few of us b) i don't want to get burned out on just hanging out with them c) i think it would be a great place for discusing books and beliefs. who knows. it wouldn't begin until next year. i know of one girl who said she would like to join, and there are some girls here at work that i could ask. i think that it would be a good time.

btw- there is this restaurant i pass every day called the well dressed burrito, i really want to try it. it's all the way over by the metro, and during lunch i don't feel like walking anywhere.

i am on my second book for the week. it's been hard to get into. bummer.


  1. Anonymous6.10.05

    you dont feel like walking anywhere? you have an entire hour!! i'm enjoying your frequent posts

  2. You could pick up a burrito on the way home for dinner??

  3. Anonymous6.10.05

    i want to join the book club!! oh wait, you're far away :(. j/k. what book are you reading now??

  4. Anonymous8.10.05

    way to be bold with your small group and challenge them!


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