Happy New Year!! I'm early on a post for once, Yay! Our evening thus far hasn't been too exciting, which sums up life with a little one. We went to dinner at Chili's (which I haven't been to in almost a year) and came home put on our pjs and are enjoying the Chick-fil-a Bowl. What a crazy game. I have too admit that enjoying the low key evening.
Here's the only good shot I we managed this year of us celebrating.
I was trying to find photos of 2003 NYE, my senior year in college. But alas I couldn't and I don't have my scrapbook from that year with me in CA. As far as I can remember we probably celebrated at Thornridge as we had the previous 2 years. I'm sure there were dance parties, lots of food, pictures and memories made. I just can't remember. I guess that means I'm getting old.
Wherever you are and whatever you're doing have a safe and happy new year. See you in 2014.