

Friday, August 29, 2014

Whatever Wednesday

For the past month+ we have encountered sleep problems in the Greer household. No one is getting much sleep here with C having bed transition issues, D working late and me being pregnant. Some days I feel like we are walking around like zombies. Last week I thought things were turning around when she slept through the night in her room for four days straight. Fast forward two days and we are back to waking up in the middle of the night. I'm thinking it might be time to try the big bed.

Also during this time, we have been quasi potty training. I've been trying to let C take the lead with this. I'm not in a hurry to accomplish this, because I realize it comes with it's own set of challenges. We have a clear schedule for the next few days so I decided to give big girl undies a try. We are currently 0-2 right now. She seems hesitant/scared now to use the potty, but wants to wear big girl panties. I'm committed to seeing this through, but it's going to be a long couple of days. I know that I should keep her in undies when we do have to go out, but I don't think I'm that brave. So, for the time we are calling pull ups big girl panties too.

On a totally different subject I'm totally over Beyonce and Modern Family. I didn't have a chance to watch either awards show, but I heard people going gaga over Beyonce's performance and Modern Family won big. I still enjoy Modern Family, but I felt last season fell really flat. I think the storyline has become stale. Maybe it's because the kids are getting older and the storyline isn't keeping up. Beyonce well, I think she has become overrated. Enough said. 

I'm so looking forward to fall. I'm over the heat or the temperature in our house. No one likes waking up sweating. I want to pull out my jeans and scarves. I would also include sweaters in that, but we don't wear sweaters that much here in SoCal. I'm also looking forward to booties, although I only have one pair. I would like to add another pair to my closet this fall. I'm also looking forward to switching out C clothes. 

I'm also looking forward to apple picking and the pumpkin patch. I don't think the rest of my family feels the same way. I would also say Back-2-School, but I don't have anyone in school yet. We will be starting our MOPS group again in 2 weeks so I am looking forward to that. 

And how could I forget, COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!! I've been waiting 9 months for this. So excited to see the MIZZOU TIGERS back in action.

What are you most excited about for fall?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

2nd Birthday Stats and Party

We had C's annual check up this last week. I can't believe this will be my last post like this for a year.

Height: 33.5 inches, 47th percentile
Weight: 22 lbs. 15.5 oz., 6th percentile
Head Size: 19 inches, 76th percentile
Teeth: 20 (10 on top and bottom)
Foods: Hot dogs, popsicles, veggie sticks, fruit snacks, mac n cheese
Words: You can repeat anything we say and I can understand 90% of what you say. I'm constantly amazed at what I hear come out of your mouth. Favorites include - Make it Feel Better, Mommy pick you up, I go potty
Mommy Milestones: You have quite the personality. You have started singing along to songs. Your favorite is This Little Light of Mine. It's adorable. You can sing the abc song and count to 10. You are doing well with potty training although we haven't tried big girl panties yet. You love your friends and ask to play with them every day. You hate riding in shopping carts, you love caring for your babies and you enjoy playing in your kitchen. You have regressed sleeping wise since we transitioned you from the crib to toddler bed, but we are hoping it improves. You have given up "monkey" but only because you bit through him. You still ask for him, but you are going to be fine without him. 

We decided to throw C a birthday party this year, because we have made some great friends this year, most of whom have kids around C's age. I had so much fun planning this party and celebrating with everyone. I didn't get any pictures of the actual party, but I did take some of the decorations, etc. I love Pinterest for the ideas on decor and food. Our theme was Fun in Sun. 

Birthday Bunting, Paper Fans, Bucket Favors

Water Tools and Bubbles Station

I have a tendency to go overboard sometimes, so I really tried to keep the food simple this time. Here's what the menu included:

Hamburgers/Hotdogs, Paddle Boards - Carrots/Dip, Gone Fishing - Goldfish, Take a Dip - Chips and Dip, Mac-n-Cheese, Fruit Salad, Pool Noodles - Popsicles, Catch of the Day - Swedish Fish, and Sand Pudding - Cake

We have some amazing friends and wanted to thank everyone for coming out and celebrating with us. 

I made the invites and thank you notes. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

24-25 Weeks

25 Weeks

How far along? 25 Weeks
Total weight gain? 8 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Still yes and no. Most non-maternity things are getting to be too small and non-maternity bottoms are still too big.
Sleep? Better than last week.
Best moment of the week? My birthday and hosting Char Char's birthday party.
Miss anything? Getting up from the floor easily and bending over.
Movement? He's twice as active as C was.
Food cravings? Siracha Chex Mix
Anything making you queasy or sick? No
Exercise? Only made it to the gym once this week - 2 miles on elliptical and 3 miles on bike.
Gender? BOY
Labor Signs? No
Symptoms? Some cramping in abdomen.
Belly button in or out? Flat, but making it way out.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happier this week.

24 Weeks

How far along? 24 Weeks
Total weight gain? 8 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes and no. Flowy shirts and dresses have done wonders for me.
Sleep? Awful this week.
Best moment of the week? 
Miss anything? Sitting on the floor
Movement? Yes, especially when I am laying down.
Food cravings? Nothing really appeals to me this time around.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No
Exercise? Went to the gym twice this week - 2 miles on elliptical and 10 miles on bike.
Gender? BOY
Labor Signs? No
Symptoms? Back aches, leg aches
Belly button in or out? Flat, but making it way out.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Moody due to lack of sleep

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Charlotte's 2nd Birthday

I can't believe my baby girl turned 2 over the weekend. She has become a spitfire little thing with sass for days. We are working on asking her how old she is. Sometimes she gets it right and sometimes she replies with Char Char. Holding up two fingers on the same hand is a different story so for now we hold up our pointer fingers on both hands. Here's how we celebrated her special day.

We set out for donuts in the morning. We tried a new place close to home. The donuts were ok, David said they were no Donut Bar.

After breakfast we watched several shows until it started raining. Those of you who live in SD no how rare it is for us to get rain, so of course we had to play in it. One of Charlotte's gifts was an umbrella and she was so excited to use it. We recently read Rain, Rain Go Away and she was singing that as she played. And the rain listening and went away until later in the day. 

The rest of the day was pretty low key. David went into work for awhile and me and C chilled at home. I thought the rain would make it cooler, but it just felt muggy. For dinner we planned on going out to celebrate. Our friends the Miltimore's were able to join us at Chuck-E-Cheese. The girls had a blast riding the rides and didn't want to leave. I have to say as an adult it's still one of my favorite places to go. I'm sure most of that is due to all the childhood memories I have there. 

Enjoying a bundler from Nothing Bundt Cakes. That seems to be our birthday tradition. It's the perfect size for a wee one to share with her parents. 

Charlotte we LOVE you so much and can't wait to see what the next year has in store for you.

Last year I found several cute birthday photos on Pinterest. One of the sites suggested choosing an object to use with your child each year. The example I found used a crown, but knowing how easily those are broken I choose to go with something more classic, fake pearls. I'm hoping we will continue to this tradition for a long time.

1st Birthday

2nd Birthday

1st Birthday

2nd Birthday

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Maternity Fashion: 5 Months

I've been participating in WIWW (What I Wore Wednesday) for a month of two now. In most of my outfits I was able to hid my growing bump, but towards the end of this past month it has really become obvious that I'm pregnant. Here is a collage of my outfits from this past month. Most of the outfit details can be found on my WIWW posts.

I have been fortunate that I've been able to wear mostly non-maternity clothes for the past months, with the exception of the Be-Band for pants and shorts. Dresses by far have been my outfit of choice. Most days I live in athletic wear or lounge wear, but I do try and get dressed several times a week. I've been having fun dressing the "bump" this time around. Although I feel like I'm still in that in between stage.

Month 5 Outfits

Top picture L-R
one two three four five six seven eight

Bottom picture L-R
one two three four

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

22-23 Weeks

22-23 Weeks

How far along? 22 Weeks

Total weight gain: 8 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Mainly maternity tanks mixed with my regular shorts and the Be Band. However, my shorts keep getting shorter and shorter. Maybe it's time to buy maternity shorts. 
Sleep: Rough. Having a toddler that doesn't sleep means momma doesn't sleep. 
Best moment this week: Hearing baby's heartbeat.
Worst moment this week: Finding out that the umbilical cord is slightly eccentric, then googling it. Never good.
Miss Anything? Sitting on the ground cross-legged. 
Movement: He's becoming more active all day.
Food cravings: Take 5s
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week.
Exercise: Went to the gym twice this week - 4 miles on the elliptical and 4.5 miles on bike.
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: cramps here and there
Belly Button in or out? Becoming flat.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: This week I've been crabby.

C's 22 Week Maternity Comparison

How far along? 23 Weeks
Total weight gain: 8 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Maternity bottoms still don't fit. I've been living in loungewear and dresses and shirts.
Sleep: Not good. Besides having a toddler sleep with me and no naps for mommy, I've also been getting up a number of times throughout the night to pee. The baby's head is right on my bladder.  
Best moment this week: Finding out that baby looks good and is measuring ahead of schedule. And celebrating big sister's birthday!
Miss Anything? Getting around in general is getting more difficult. I feel like I'm 9 months pregnant. 
Movement: Lots. Especially if I'm sitting on the floor. 
Food cravings: Sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Exercise: Went to the gym twice this week - 4 miles on the elliptical and 5 miles on bike. We also went for 2-3 1/2 mile walks. 
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Ligament stretching
Belly Button in or out? Flat
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Depends on the day. I have little patience these days. 

C's 23 Week Maternity Comparison

Monday, August 04, 2014

Joy in the Midst of Sorrow

I wasn't sure if I would ever write/publish this, but it has been on my heart for the past few weeks. And through the encouragement of our MOPS leader I am challenged to Be Brave and share my story. I don't think another August 4 will ever go by without me thinking of what might have been. For the many of you reading this who don't know, this was the scheduled delivery date of our second baby. We experienced a miscarriage at the start of the year and it's taken me 8 months to have the courage to write about it. I wanted to share my story in the hopes that it helps someone else. I had friends who shared their stories with me and it helped me get through the tough times. The community of those who have lost little ones is large, but I found that it isn't talked about due to a variety of reasons.  I guess embarrassment, sadness, exposure and grief. I know that I felt all of those at one point or another. Support comes at the beginning, but like with any loss slowly trickles away after time passes. And the one experiencing the loss is left to deal with the remaining grief. Here's an excerpt from a book I recently read.

"Parents have very intense reactions to the death of a child. These reactions, however, are rarely acknowledged or addressed by the public at large and, as a result these actions are often private, intense, and unresolved."*

I had a great deal of support through this time and by God's grace I was able to "move on" rather quickly. It's only through him that this was possible. I knew that His plans were better than my own and that this wasn't meant to be. A friend of mine sent me the book, Safe in the Arms of God. It took me awhile to read it, as I thought I was ok and knew that my baby was in Heaven. After reading it I was encouraged by not only the confirmation that I would one day see my baby, but knowing that he/she would never have to endure the hardships of this cruel world. That may not be comforting for everyone, but it is for me. There are so many things that our child won't have to face and that he/she has been made perfect in God.

"The first and foremost thing we can conclude with certainty about a child is this: Every child conceived is a God-created and God-loved person with a God-given purpose and destiny."*

I don't understand why our baby was taken from us, but I trust God's timing and purpose. As I write this, we are experiencing many things with Charlotte - sleep issues, teething and potty training, that I know God knew we would be going through and adding another little one at this time would have been stressful to say the least. I like to see the humor in things.

I wanted to remember what I was thinking and feeling in those days/weeks following our miscarriage. Here is what I wrote back in January.

On January 3, I was scheduled to see my doctor for my 9 week check up and ultrasound. We had been waiting for this day since we found out we were pregnant. After waiting for what seemed like forever we were finally called back. We received the general pregnancy spiel and were set to up to view the ultrasound. The NP showed us our baby began measuring, right on track, and showed us where the heart was. She became quiet and I instantly knew something was wrong. She turned on the microphone and honestly I didn't know what was I hearing. After looking around some more she informed us that she couldn't locate a heartbeat but was going to have another doctor take a look. I didn't break down yet God works miracles but I had a sense of hopelessness. We heard C's heartbeat loud and strong at 6 weeks. The doctor came in only to confirm what we already knew - we had lost our baby.

They began telling us what options we had. I was paying close attention if nothing else than to prevent myself from losing it. All of the options seemed awful. After what seemed like an eternity I could no longer hold it in and the first of many tears fell. I quickly pulled myself together knowing that I would soon have to face a room full of expectant mothers. I didn't want them to know what had happened. We headed to the lab to have blood drawn to see if it showed anything.

We took a few moments in the parking lot to cry before parting ways. I figured I could hold myself together enough to head to Costco which had been on the agenda. Boy was I wrong. A flood of tears came as I as driving. We picked up a few things in Costco but when I saw a mother with a baby the tears started coming again. I quickly brushed them away, paid and headed out to the car. The tears continued to stream down my face until we reached home. After spending some time loving on C I put her down for a nap and e-mailed a friend who I knew had recently went through the same thing. Finally after what seemed like forever, the tears slowed and I was able to rest. My friend had written me back and was encouraging. Reminding me that although this is common it was not common to us and to allow myself time to grieve and process everything.

The next few days are a blur, but we did go to Sea World if nothing else than to enjoy time as a family and take our minds off everything. The next week I went in to see the doctor to discuss the options in further detail. As much I would have like to miscarried naturally, I wasn't showing signs that my body had realized what happened and it could take weeks for it to happen on its own. Knowing what I would experience waiting for the inevitable to happen was too much, as well as understanding that I might actually see what was the baby, I choose to go with a D&C. It seemed like the best decision to help me move past the grief. However, I agonized for days over this decision. I couldn't help but feel that I had given up on my baby, even though I knew he/she was gone.

Surgery day finally arrived. I had caught a cold in the days leading up and almost had to reschedule the surgery. When I spoke with the anesthesiologist she informed me that I wouldn't be a candidate to have general anesthesia. The other option was a local anesthetic for the pain, but I would be awake for the the procedure. The doctor came in and talked with us about what that meant and asked me if I could handle it. I wasn't sure I could but knew that I wanted to have the surgery. We proceeded into the OR and after a few moments I feel asleep and didn't wake up until after the surgery. God is so good. My recovery was relatively easy and I feel blessed that I didn't experience much pain. I spent the next week or so trying to "recover" and to myself. I wasn't ready to face people yet.

Slowly life got back to normal. Routine helped to move on. After a few weeks I was able to think about what happened without crying. People were sweet, but it still felt weird to discuss. I had to take a break from FB. So many people we knew were expecting and most of those friends were having their babies and posting photos of them.  Normal expectant parent things. I didn't begrudge any of them. I was extremely happy for them, but the loss was still raw and it hurt.

We found in March that we were expecting again. At first it was hard to get excited. We still had to wait until the 8 week mark to see my doctor. Those 8 weeks were filled with dread. I kept comparing the two pregnancies to see if there was any similarities. There were a few, but once we heard a heartbeat we were over the moon and I forgot about my worries, at least for a few days. I know that babies can be lost anytime during pregnancy and even after. I am so thankful that God has blessed us with this baby and every week that goes by and he continues to grow inside. I will never forget the one we lost, but I am very thankful for the two we have.

One thing that I have learned through this process is that people experience pain on the inside without showing signs on the outside. Yes, I realize this is obvious, but I've become more aware. Social media is great, but it can also be in your face. I now post less about certain things because, I don't want to cause someone else to struggle.

If you know someone or you are going through this yourself give yourself/them time to heal. Let them know you are available when they are ready. This might be right away, months later or never. Around their due date, ask them how they are doing. Maybe even take them out, so they aren't alone. Encourage them to join an online forum or group to talk about their experience with others who are going through the same thing. Miscarriage isn't easy to discuss, especially if you haven't gone through it yourself.

I leave you with a verse that helped me through this difficult time. I wrote down the reference wrong, so I don't remember where I found it.

Lord, You are not asking me to rejoice that I have lost someone or something precious, but you know that in my loss I can rejoice in all I have to gain if I am willing. Never must my suffering be in vain. 

Sunday, August 03, 2014

What We've Been Up To

At the beginning of the summer I posted a list of summer activities that I wanted to do as a family. As summer is winding to an end, although the heat is here two stay for another 2 months or so, I wanted highlight two activities that we enjoyed recently.

Waterfront Park
This park opened up 3 blocks from where we use to live downtown. Oh, how I wish it would have been open last summer. We went with our friends the Brumbacks down to the park. There is a huge water area, park and grassy area. The kids had an absolute blast playing. I definitely want to go back. Who doesn't like free entertainment. I do think the playground should have an area with equipment for smaller children. And there was no shortage of patrolman, we were called out multiple times because the little ones were climbing on things.

Del Mar Race Track
I have never been to a horse race, so when David told me we were going to have the opportunity to head out there this year I was really excited. The track, pavilion and grounds are huge. I wasn't expecting the facility to be as large as it was. We had a private area with a tent, food, front row view of the track and best of all it was fenced. C had a blast running around and playing with all her friends. We bet on a few races. I won $15 on the first race I bet on. I think that might have covered all my losses for the day. We stayed pretty late and C missed her nap, but was still going strong by the time we left. That girl has energy for days. If you are in SD during racing season, I recommend you stop by. Sorry Ashley, the season will be end before your trip. 

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