

Monday, October 27, 2008


As mentioned in a previous post, David is using a workout program called P90X. He's been doing it for almost three weeks now. On Friday I joined him for his Yoga workout. I've done yoga a few times before but never for 1 1/2 hours. At first when we started I found it easy, but the longer we worked out, the harder it got and I thought my legs were going to snap. Many of the moves worked on balance. Some of the moves were similiar to cheerleading stances. If only I had known yoga back then, my cheerleading career would have skyrocketed. It's three days later and my legs are still sore. I think tomorrow's workout is yoga again. At least it should improve my flexibility.


  1. Hey! I've been hearing a lot about this P90X lately... my cousin has a video of his results and its crazy!!

    you'll have to keep us posted on how it goes for him...

  2. Anonymous28.10.08

    yeah, it was yoga holding you back. definitely. ha!


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