

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


yestarday i finished my 20 & 21 book since the beginning of the summer. at the beginning of the year when i made a resolution to read two books a month. i never would have thought that i would have completed that well before the end of the year. so, to date i have read 26 books, those were the ones that i could remember, and i have started my 27 book- if god is closer that you think, why is he so hard to find, john ortberg. you never know, i might finish it today, considering this is my last day of leisure.

let's see are my other resolutions coming along. well, i was trying to watch afi's 100 greatest movies this year. i was actually on pace to finish while i was back in good ole mo, but since i have moved i think i have seen one. my library back had almost all the movies, so i watched them for free. it was fantastic. so far i have watched 52 of them. i think that's pretty impressive considering most of them were painful for me to watch. but here are a few of my recommmendations: guess who's coming to dinner, some like it hot, the african queen, doctor zhivago, and vertigo.

another resolution i made was to learn to drive a stick. i tried to learn while i was living at home, but my mom never let me drive the neon. so i came here to drive david's car, i didn't quite get that either. so, we bought a new car, and sold david's. a malibu to be exact. we got a good deal on it. so the stick thing, yeah i am still working on that. i just need practice, i know the basics.

learning to sew was the next one. i did make some pillows for my new bedroom, and my mom and i were so supposed to make a comforter, but we ran out of time. so she's still working on that one. i did learn to attach circular patterns to straight ones and how to insert zippers. i also made some belts with ribbon. so i think that i would consider this an accomplished goal.

my last one, has been the most challenging when i know it should be the easiest. reading the bible all the way through. i haven't been quite as successful as i would have liked. even when i have a daily bible sometimes it still seems overwhelming. but, i have figured out a good way to help me with this. since my commute will be a little over a hour both ways i have plenty of time for reading, and while i do usually read a fun book, i have committed to reading and praying on the way in to work. yestarday i tried it for orientation, and it actually made the day better. sometimes the easiest decision are the hardest ones for me to make. i think resolutions can be made all year long, if you are willing to stick to them.

one other thing that i have been trying to actively do is knitting. i am working on a scraf now and i am hoping to make some hats soon.

let me know how your resolutions are coming along if you've made any

1 comment:

  1. I've been losing weight. Since May, I've lost approximately 23 pounds. I'm in all my skinny clothes. I feel great!

    I've tried to do the reading thing, but this is very difficult for me with cable TV. One of the drawbacks of getting free cable with your place.

    I've been reading a little more lately. I read Harry Potter 6 in about a week. And I'm reading Blue Like Jazz now.

    Any favorite books so far?


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