

Saturday, September 10, 2005

i'm a newbie, so bare with me...

well, i can now say that i am part of the working world. i accepted my very first job yestarday!!!! i can't tell you how excited this makes me. for some time now i thought i would never find a job that i wanted. and God heard my cry and answered it a thousands times over. the awesome thing is, that i had the chance to decide between two possibilities!!! i actually got to pick the one i wanted the most. I was all smiles yestarday and even today. i am going out to celebrate with david tonight, that is if he ever comes home. he's had to work overtime a lot the past few weeks. so, when i wasn't interviewing i was at home all alone.

well...maybe you are wondering what this new job that has me so excited is all about. i am going to be working as an association assistant for a non-profit medical group. the company is acquiring them as a new client here in the next month. i will be part of a brand new team!! i don't know all the details, but it sounds like it is right up my ally. and every friday is jeans day. for those of us who were required to wear uniforms to school, we know that this is huge! i start on monday, so no more life of leisure for me, and that means that my reading will be cut down dramatically. the other awesome part is that they have offices in STL and CHI-TOWN. possible jobs back at home.

more good news...some of you know that i was lonely here, having no friends that were down or accross the street like in college. but God does answer prayers as i have been blessed immensely lately. we started visiting a church here, by suggestion of someone in our parking lot, who happened to go there and happened to be from KC. our first impression was woo baby. this was definitely one of the larger churches that either one of us had been to. i thought i would never like a big church because i would feel like no one knew me. after our initial shock, we decided to give it another try. we went to a class that was for young married couples, hoping to meet some people to connect with. well. let me enlighten you all on something i learned from this experience, young here means different things than it does it missouri. most of the people were in their early thirties and had been married for awhile. needless to say, we felt out of place, but we are determined people. we signed up to be a part of a Bible study, not knowing what we would encounter. we recieved an e-mail from a couple in our area who wanted to start a group. we figured we had nothing to lose so we met them and a few other couples at panera a few weeks ago. what we saw was a glorious sight. other young couple our age who had just moved to the area. the only difference was they had all been married for about 2 years. not bad right, they were young, our age, and without children. i made a comment about this because it was different than what we encountered at the church service, and what would you know one of the couples is expecting next may. i think this is how God displays his sense of humor to us. another key thing about this group is that i really connected with on of the girls. we are both midwestern girls and have some of the same interests. we have been able to hang out outside the group a few times. i am definitely feeling more at home here in dc now.


  1. Laura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We (Kelly and Charity - no we are not a lesbian couple!!) get to post your first comment!!!! Woo hoo!!!

    Kelly says to let anyone comment you need to go to the dashboard, then to settings, then to comments then you can answer "Who can comment?" Change that to anyone, well unless you want only Kelly to comment on your site. She says it is a lonely world in blogger.

    Congratulations on your new job! And your new site. It is very pretty!!

    Kelly said that she will tell you more tips about blogger later. I look forward to hearing about DC and some aspects of married life. Have a great day! Char =)

  2. How was the first day???

    P.S. You might wanna delete the Google Links on the side. I'm very proud of you though! Good job following instructions!

    P.P.S You are missed! Love ya!


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