

Friday, December 03, 2010

My Mom

I decided to dedicate this post to my mom, who btw is amazing. Sadly I didn't always feel this way growing up. I was grounded, didn't always get everything I wanted, etc. etc. However, one of the things that will remain with me forever is how my parents (especially my dad) attended every sporting event I had. Anyway here is the real reason for my post....

I traveled to my old elementary/middle/high school last week to help my mom with her Annual Thanksgiving Feast. I used to help out with these in high school as a way to get out of class. There were some perks of having your mom teach where you went to school. The last one I attend was sometime in college over 8 years ago. I had mixed emotions walking into the school grounds that I had once dominated. About 50% of things were the same like the murals we painted Junior year, our Spanish teacher Mr. Hall who now teaches Spanish for the entire school K-12, and the dress code.

My mom has been teaching at TG for 18 years now. This year she is teaching kindergarten. My mom has only taught kindergarten twice in the past 18 years, so I was curious to see her in action. I've always been amazed at the amount of patience my mom has and how consistent she is with the kids. They don't get away with too much, but they also love her at the same time. Sometime after the Feast when the kids were working on blends (phonics for those public school taught kids) I sat back in amazement at the way she worked with the children. I've seen my mom teach before, but this was different. I had a new found respect for my mom and teachers in general. They have so much responsibility in shaping a child's future. I can now understand how schools have gotten so competitive.

The thing that amazes me the most about my mom, is her endurance and spirit. One time during spring break we were at my soccer game and my mom broke her ankle. She didn't let that stop her from going back to school and climbing the three flights of stairs to her room everyday or the time she had eye surgery and only took two weeks off. These kids are the light of her life. She was definitely born for this role.

Thanks mom for all you do!

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