

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


so as i sit here, eat my budget gourmet, and read my book, my mind is off thinking about how good sonic would be right now. I haven't had sonic since before i got married and i have been craving it for so long. my mouth is watering thinking of a nice cold cherry limeade. tell me this, why have comercials for sonic if there isn't one within 100 miles!!! huh, huh. it just makes me want it more.


  1. Anonymous18.10.05

    mmm...sonic. i would recommend elizabethtown, even with its shortcomings, it was still entertaining.

  2. I know!! I craved Sonic when I lived in PA. Yet I rarely go now. So crazy. Maybe they put crack in their food!

  3. Anonymous19.10.05

    haha, i get sonic and you dont! maybe you should come home for a visit then eh? its God's way of you telling you that.

  4. Anonymous21.10.05

    the first thing i craved when i got back from china was sonic. i had a strawberry slush. it was the best thing i had tasted in a long time :).


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